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Updated: August 14, 2024

It was found, on examination, that four wolves had been in the traps, but the rest had escaped. Two of them, however, had gnawed off their paws and left them lying in the traps. After this the big wolves did not trouble them again. The same afternoon a bear-hunt was undertaken, which well-nigh cost one of the Iroquois his life. It happened thus:

"At the bear-hunt the other day," he said, "I had the misfortune to well, to fall out with the prince. We were not quite at one on a question of etiquette. He thought that I ought to have fired. I did not fire; I was not ready. It appears that the prince considered himself to be in danger. He was nervous flurried." "You are not always artistic in your untruths," interrupted Etta.

I was extremely anxious to get into safe quarters before dark, so I made the best of the way, leading my horse down the steep bits, and mounting again for a short trot where it was possible. On arriving at the house of my Armenian friends at St Miklos, happily before sundown, I was greatly disappointed to find that there would be no bear-hunt the next day.

He contended that, so far from Nipen being offended, there was either no Nipen, or it was not angry, or it was powerless; for everything had gone well; and he always ended with pointing to the deer a good thing led to the very door and to the result of the bear-hunt a great event always in a Nordlander's life, and, in this instance, one of most fortunate issue.

Reasons for his Celebrity. Crockett's Narrative. A Bear-Hunt. Visit to Jackson. Again a Candidate for the Legislature. Electioneering and Election. The next day after building the cabin, to which Crockett intended to move his family, it began to rain, as he says, "rip-roariously." The river rapidly rose, and the boatmen were ready to resume their voyage.

"Because I understand you better; I know you better than your husband." Etta turned and glanced at the clock. "Have you come back from the bear-hunt to tell me this, or to avoid the bears?" she asked. De Chauxville frowned. A man who has tasted fear does not like a question of his courage. "I have come to tell you that and other things," he answered.

We heard the report of the muskets, and saw brains and blood spurting about us, while the whole band shouted "Hurrah for America!" LADY MILFORD. And I heard nothing of all this! saw nothing! VALET. No, most gracious lady, because you rode off to the bear-hunt with his highness just at the moment the drum was beating for the march.

With companions in like frame of mind he had trudged to Boston, breathing slaughter and extermination against the red-coated instruments of English tyranny. To Zeke the expedition had many of the elements of an extended bear-hunt, much exalted. There was a spice of danger and a rich promise of novelty and excitement.

"But we soon had to give up speculating about the prospect ahead, and had to let the Rock of Good Hope, and the hut, and the life we had led there, with its struggles and trials and triumphs, pass away as some vaguely remembered dream; for on we sped, with our caravan of sledges, over the frozen sea, the dogs all lively, and galloping away with their bushy tails curled over their backs, and their heads up; their savage drivers crying to them, now and then, 'Ka-ka! ka-ka! and snapping their whips to keep them at a brisker run, and all the while talking to each other in a loud voice, sometimes, as we could clearly understand, about ourselves, sometimes whether they should go off on a bear-hunt.

Jack Courtray was enthusiastic about the horses, and indeed the whole thing. He and Gritzko had arranged to go on a bear-hunt the following week, and everything looked couleur de rose except the sky, that continued covered with an inky pall. The Princess beckoned to Gritzko and took him aside. She explained her fears about the storm, and the necessity of an earlier start, to which he agreed.

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