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For she had found it, upon her arrival of the previous night, a reproduction, down to the smallest detail, of her blue-and-white bedroom at Harley Street, with this notable difference that on the wall facing the bed-head hung a fine copy of a Millais portrait that was one of the treasures of Bawne House.

"You are incorrigible, dearest," said the sobbing Dowager-Duchess, as she kissed her, "and Castleclare must use all his influence with the Holy Father to induce the Comtesse de Lutetia to give you the veil. So the Dowager-Duchess melted out of the story, and Lady Bridget-Mary Bawne became a nun.

Lady Bridget-Mary Bawne, eldest and handsomest of the three, pleaded if a creature so stormy and imperious could be said to plead a previous engagement to an Ineligible.

"I should prefer that the decision should be left entirely to my wife," he said, when the Head of the House of Bawne, with the pompous solemnity distinctive of a young man who takes himself and his position seriously, formally broached the subject. "Lady Castleclare has arah! already approached Mrs.

If Biddy Bawne hadn't been a nun," reflected Lady Hannah, as she went out of the Matron's office and back to her patients, who had long ago dined, "I think she would have made rather a despotic Empress. 'Refer him to me, indeed. What is it, Sergeant? Don't say I'm rung up again." But the one-armed porter was positive on the subject, and her little ladyship went back.

As I have said, the lessons that she taught bore great fruit during that red time of war that was coming, and will bear greater fruit hereafter. A little is known to me of the personal history of Lady Bridget-Mary Bawne in religion known as Mother Mary of Bethlehem that may be here set down.

Saxham's objection to receive what she seems to regard as a gift from people upon whom she has no claim that is how she expressed herself to Lady Castleclare might be got over if I may employ the expression, by our settling the money upon your children?" "Upon our children " They were sitting in Lord Castleclare's library at Bawne House, Grosvenor Square.

I don't wonder where she gets her lovely manners from, with such a model of grace and good breeding as Biddy Bawne before her eyes, but I do ask how she came by that type of beauty? And Biddy " "Biddy?" repeated Saxham, at a loss. Her laugh shrilled out. "I forgot. She is the Reverend Mother-Superior of the Convent to all of you.

While the scandal lived in the mouths of Society, Lady Bridget-Mary Bawne remained unseen. She was pitied oh, burning, intolerable shame! She was commiserated as a catspaw, and sneered at as a dupe.

Some twenty-three years previously that devout Irish Catholic nobleman, the Right Honourable James Dominic Bawne, tenth Earl of Castleclare, Baron Kilhail, Count of the Holy Roman Empire, and D.L. for West Connemara, not contented with the possession of three very tall, very handsome, very popular daughters the Right Honourable Ladies Bridget-Mary, Alyse, and Alethea Bawne consulted his favourite spiritual director, and, as advised, offered his thin white hand and piously regulated affections to Miss Nancy McIleevy, niece and heiress of McIleevy of McIleevystown, the eminent County Down brewer, so celebrated for his old Irish ales and nourishing bottled porter.