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I am prepared to swear, and so is Bannister, that it was smooth and unstained. Now I found a clean cut in it about three inches long not a mere scratch, but a positive cut. Not only this, but on the table I found a small ball of black dough or clay, with specks of something which looks like sawdust in it. I am convinced that these marks were left by the man who rifled the papers.

"Here goes the chocolate," said Mr. Daddles, tossing it overboard, "once it might have saved my life, but I don't care for it now. Chocolate flavored with salt-water is pretty poor stuff." Then he commenced turning over his clothes, which were spread out in the sun on top of the cabin. "What made yer say p'r'aps this feller named Kidd was a relation of the pirate?" asked Captain Bannister.

Porter. The exclamation was one of disappointment rather than of apprehension. Sudden illnesses at the Bailey home did not stir her, but she was annoyed that her recital of the squelching of the publishers would have to wait. She went upstairs. Her intention was to look in at the nursery and satisfy herself that all was well with William Bannister.

But as she should not have hesitated to try and obtain said advantage, if there was any chance of doing it, the imputation lost force. She did not, therefore, get angry, but merely asked, wishing to get as deep into the matter as possible, "And then it is all settled that he's to marry Miss Bannister?"

Old Jolyon counted his cigars with a steady hand, and it came into his mind to wonder if perhaps he had been too careful of himself. He put the cigar-case in the breast of his coat, buttoned it in, and walked up the long flights to his bedroom, leaning on one foot and the other, and helping himself by the bannister. The house was too big.

Dusk fell on a town crazed by bad whiskey and evil report. The deeds of Bannister were hashed and rehashed at every bar, and nobody related them with more ironic gusto than the man who called himself Jack Holloway. There were people in town who knew his real name and character, but of these the majority were either in alliance with him or dared not voice their knowledge.

"He must understand perfectly, and we need not be afraid of any talk about the matter at all. What has happened has happened 'in the profession, and I don't believe it will go any further." Lloyd returned to Bannister toward the end of the week. How long she would remain she did not know, but for the present the association of the other nurses was more than she was able to bear.

I'm afraid y'u'll make trouble for yourself," he said quietly. "Why?" "I don't know myself just why." He hesitated before adding: "They say him and Bannister is thicker than they'd ought to be. It's a cinch that he's in cahoots somehow with that Shoshone bunch of bad men." "But why, that's ridiculous. Only this morning he was trying to kill Bannister himself." "That's what I don't just savvy.

"It is remarkable," said Rufus Blight, with a return to the spirit of the day when I had known him as a bustling, pompous man. "It is remarkable that he can be happy doing nothing. Look how restless I am with nothing to do but to play golf and read magazines. I can't understand him. And yet he seems a decent young man." "But, you must remember, he is going out all the time," said Mrs. Bannister.

All that I wished now was to see if Captain Bannister were on the steamboat, or if I could get news of him or the "Hoppergrass," and I told this to Mr. Snider. "Very well, then," said he, "it will be all right, now we have a clear understanding. And I would like you to keep near me while the people are here.