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"One of the four, that's dead sure!" the former declared, positively. "I'll be badgered if it ain't!" muttered Bobolink, staring at the tracks. "So you see, we've settled one thing right at the start," said Paul. "That's what we have," observed Bobolink.

A week passed, during which time the Uncle Toby was ready for sea, while Grief managed to allay any suspicion of him by the shore crowd. Even Gorman and Watson accepted him at his self-description. Throughout the week Grief begged and badgered them for the longitude of the island. "You wouldn't have me leave here lost," he finally urged.

You can stay as long as you like, and tell me everything or nothing, as you please. One thing I will say I suppose Flossy is at the bottom of it all?" "Yes, aunt Leo." "That accounts for everything. Flossy never could be trusted. Did she want you to be engaged to Hubert?" "I think so at first. Now I do not know." "I suppose they badgered you into it?" said Miss Vane thoughtfully.

Even ministers as they sat to be badgered by the ordinary question-mongers of the day were more intent upon Melmotte than upon their own defence. 'Do you know anything about it? asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer of the Secretary of State for the Home Department. 'I understand that no order has been given for his arrest.

I left Wodehouse explaining to her that if she went out of Paris even with a pass, she might or might not be shot according to circumstances. I will say for him that I should not be as patient as he is, were I worried and badgered by the hour by a crowd of shrieking women and silly men. Fighting is going on all round Paris.

Lady Tressilvain cornered Shiela and badgered her and stared at her until she dared not lift her hot face or open her lips lest the pent resentment escape; Portlaw smoked a pipe a sure indication of smouldering wrath; Malcourt, at a desk, blew clouds of smoke from his cigarette and smilingly continued writing to his attorney: "This is the general idea for the document, and it's up to you to fix it up and make it legal, and have it ready for me when I come to town.

"Ed will be here Saturday night and may be he will find out, for Jack tells him everything. I do hate to have him hectored so, for I know he is, though he's too proud to complain," she said, on Thursday evening, when Frank told her some joke played upon his brother that day. "I let him alone, but I see that he isn't badgered too much. That's all I can do.

"Yes, my dear, I do, for it has troubled me a good deal to see you so badgered by that very uncomfortable old lady. Independence is a very nice thing, and poverty isn't half as bad as this sort of slavery. But you are not going to be poor, nor worry about anything. We'll just be married and take mother and Toady home and be as jolly as grigs, and never think of Mrs.

It was quite near and he sat down on an iron bench facing a pond. There were children walking up and down by the water giving pieces of bread to the swans. Now and again a labouring man or a messenger went by quickly; now and again a middleaged, slovenly-dressed man drooped past aimlessly: sometimes a tattered, self-intent woman with a badgered face flopped by him.

That reference to the "metropolitan press" had slipt from him unawares; and then, when badgered for his authority, when driven to give an instance from the London newspapers, he had sent the objectionable periodical. He had, in point of fact, made a mistake; a stupid, foolish mistake, into which a really well-bred man would hardly have fallen.