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Updated: August 26, 2024

"I'll be drinkin' condinsed spirits an' 'atin' hay-cake whip the vultures do be peckin' at what's lift uv ye whip the Subadar's done wid ye. I'd a drame about ye last noight, William Connor dear three times I dramed it." Suddenly Connor's face was clouded. "Whist, thin, Coolin," said he hoarsely.

"Divvle a shmell of the baste can I see, and me back from furlough-leaf for minnuts. Has the schamer done the two-shtep widout anny flure, as Oi've always foretould? Is ut atin' his vegetables by the roots he now is in the bone-orchard, and me owing the poor bhoy foive shillin'? Where is he?"

I went to the kitchen, where Hopgood was sitting at the table, eating bread and cheese. He got up on seeing me, and very kindly brought me some cold bacon and a pint of ale. "I thart I shude be seeing yu, zurr," he said between his bites; "Therr's no thart to 'atin' 'bout the 'ouse to-day. The old wumman's puzzivantin' over Miss Pasiance.

Roseen listened solemnly, not in the least astonished to be told that the personage in question was possessed of ears; she supposed "a Gout" to be a living thing, an insect probably, of a more noxious kind than a spider. "'Fires! says the Gout; 'an' was they atin' an' drinkin' at all? says he. "'Atin' an' drinkin'! says the Spider.

There's no danger of anybody spoilin' your drinkin', if they could interfere with your atin'. You guess, Dannie." "The dominick hen is setting," ventured Dannie, and Mary's face showed that he had blundered on the truth. "She is," affirmed Mary, pouring the tea, "but it is real mane of you to guess it, when I've so few new things to tell.

"And there's the old 'oman, too, lookin' sharp afther him, while Colly is atin' the figs and drinkin' the camel's milk; and while I'm dying for a dhrop of that same. Old Goliarh is no doubt proud wi' the great care she's takin' of his child; but won't there be a row when he larns summat more? Won't there, Master 'Arry?" "There will, indeed," answered Harry.

"Thee cas'n goo no vurder," Bill Blacksmith saith to me: "nawbody 'lowed to crass the vord, until such time as Faggus coom; plaise God us may mak sure of 'un." "Amen, zo be it," says I; "God knoweth I be never in any hurry, and would zooner stop nor goo on most taimes." 'Wi' that I pulled my vittles out, and zat a horsebarck, atin' of 'em, and oncommon good they was.

Mulloy lingered with Gallup as Frank turned away. "Whativer is atin' yez, Ephie?" demanded Barney. "Phwoy don't yez spake up and tell the truth?" "Haow do yeou know I ain't told the truth?" asked Gallup, with mingled offense and shame. "Oi've bunked with yez for a year.

Bridget had done her best by way of expressing her sympathy, but he ate without his usual enjoyment. "Sure," said Pat afterwards, "he didn't know but what it was sawdust he was atin' instead of that beautiful volly-vong of yours. He could barely touch the mutton, and a beautiful little joint it was. Sure, there's a sad change come over the house, anyway."

Here, Katty Murray, drop scrubbin' that dresser, an' put down, the midlin' pot for stirabout. Be livin' manim an diouol, woman alive, handle yourself; you might a had it boilin' by this. God presarve us! to be two days widout atin! Be the crass, Katty, if you're not alive, I'll give you a douse o' the churnstaff that'll bring the fire to your eyes! Do you hear me?"

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