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O'Bla. Asy settled that! but I hope many more duns for oats won't be calling on me this day, for cash is not to be had: here's bills plenty long bills, and short bills but even the kites, which I can fly as well as any man, won't raise the wind for me now. Re-enter PAT. Pat. Tim McGudikren, sir, for his debt and talks of the sub-sheriff, and can't wait. O'Bla.

"Well, Ma'am," said he, turning towards the Virgin, "as I suspect you don't know English, may be you'll think it's my offices I'm singing. So, saving your favor, here it is." AIR, "Arrah, Catty, now can't you be asy?" Oh, what stories I'll tell when my sodgering's o'er, And the gallant Fourteenth is disbanded; Not a drill nor parade will I hear of no more, When safely in Ireland landed.

The most I can give her is three hundred pounds, and even that by struggling and borrowing: I will undertake to pay it as you say on the nail! for I am really anxious that my niece should be connected with so worthy and industrious a family. What do you say?" "I'm willin' enough," replied Peter. It's not asy to get that and a Catholic girl."

"I tell you what, Massa Yolliffe, it just seven bells, and if the young gentleman would, instead of tay, try a little out of the copper, it might keep him asy. It but a little difference, tay soup and pay soup. Now a bowl of that, with some nuts and a flourish of pepper, will do him good, anyhow." "Perhaps the best thing he can take, Mesty; get it as fast as you can."

Now, won't you promise to keep your mind asy, when you know that we're beside you?" "God bless you," replied Jemmy, "you've taken a weight off of my heart. I thought I'd die wid nobody near me at all." "Oh, the sorra fear of it. Keep your heart up. We'll stale lots o' milk for you. Bad scran to the baste in the parish but we'll milk, sooner nor you'd want the whay, you crathur you."

There, don't jump, that's a bit of the brachial nerve most beautifully displayed. Faith, I think I'll give Mike a demonstration." "Oh, Mister Quill, dear! Oh, Doctor, darling!" "Arrah, Mickey, now can't ye be asy?" sang out Maurice, with a perfect imitation of Mike's voice and manner. "A little lint here! Bend your arm, that's it Don't move your fingers.

Well, your honour, my father was asy enough until the sperit kem past him; so close, God be marciful to us all, that the smell iv the sulphur tuck the breath clane out iv him; an' with that he tuck such a fit iv coughin', that it al-a-most shuck him out iv the chair he was sittin' in.

They have regarded the thrown-away coats and knapsacks as evidence of a panic and a rout, when the fact is that they have only evidenced Paddy's desire, quoted above, to "fight asy." In the present instance, Capt.

We shall carry the coffin through the under ground passage, that goes to the stables, and out by the lane to the churchyard asy and the gentleman, the clergyman, has notice all will be ready, and the housekeeper only attending." "Oh! the pitiful funeral," said the eldest of the men, "the pitiful funeral for Sir Ulick O'Shane, that was born to better."

"Spake to me, docthor!" said the widow, alarmed. "What'll he be spaking to me about? Faix, I had spaking enough with him last time he was here." "You'd better just see him, Mrs Kelly," whispered the, doctor. "You'll find him quiet enough, now; just take him fair and asy; keep him downstairs a moment, while Jane gives her the medicine.