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Be it known to every northern man who aspires to a seat in Congress, that hereafter it is the destiny of congressional action on this subject, to be a MIGHTY REVELATOR making secret thoughts public property, and proclaiming on the house-tops what is whispered in the ear smiting off masks, and bursting open sepulchres beautiful outwardly, and heaving up to the sun their dead men's bones.

For gold and silver are reckoned of little value among them except as material for their vessels and ornaments, which are common to all. G.M. Tell me, I pray you, is there no jealousy among them or disappointment to that one who has not been elected to a magistracy, or to any other dignity to which he aspires? Capt. Certainly not. For no one wants either necessaries or luxuries.

Oh, I see, now. That is why Ethelinda is so friendly," she added, with sudden intuition of the truth. "She thinks that Miss Berkeley is somebody worth cultivating, and that I'm not." "Maybe it's a case of 'birds of a feather," said Elise, who had heard part of the conversation. "Ethelinda aspires to a family tree and a coat-of-arms, too.

In a former book the author tried to set forth the influence of the poet in generating aspiration, and in this attempt used the following words: "When he would teach men to aspire he writes Excelsior and so causes them to know that only he who aspires really lives.

Joints in his armour who can spy? Where's the foot will nor flinch nor fly? Where's the heart that aspires the fray? His battle wager 'tis vain to try Ev'rything passes, passes away." The age is diseased. Why should men be mournful because what they call their aspirations precious aspirations are frustrated?

He who aspires to be leader must keep in advance of his column. His fears must not play traitor to his occasions. The instant he falls into line with his followers, a bolder spirit may throw himself at the head of the movement initiated, and from that moment his leadership is gone.

The mortal aspires in purity of heart, and the immortal comes down and assists and responds to his aspirations. Our souls vibrated in unison to the expression of heavenly thoughts. We threw ourselves into the rapture of the hour. We trembled, we thrilled, till at last frail mortal nature could scarcely endure the intensity of that perfect joy. So we came to the end. The end is a chorus of angels.

They see the groundling, the boor, the drudge, and the clown content to dwell in the valley amid the loaves and fishes of animal desires, while the man who aspires is struggling toward the heights whence he may gain an outlook upon the glories that are, know the throb and thrill of new life, and experience the swing and sweep of spiritual impulses.

Chiefly a good voice, affability of manner, straightforward speech, manly bearing, the desire to serve and please, proper attire, and cleanliness of person. These qualifications come within the reach of anyone who aspires to success in salesmanship. Every salesman has unexpected problems to solve. A sensitive or touchy customer may become unreasonably angry or offended. What is the salesman to do?

It happens, unfortunately for us, for outward peculiarities are scarcely worthy the dignity to which comedy, whether in the drama or the narrative, aspires, that Squire Brandon possessed so few distinguishing traits of mind that he leaves his delineator little whereby to designate him, save a confused and parenthetical habit of speech, by which he very often appeared to those who did not profit by long experience or close observation, to say exactly, and somewhat ludicrously, that which he did not mean to convey.