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What Rome became, Prussia aspires to be. The spirit, the animus, of Prussia is military power. Travel in that kingdom, everywhere are soldiers, military schools, camps, arsenals, fortresses, reviews. And this military spirit, evident during the last hundred years, has made the military classes arrogant, austere, mechanical, contemptuous. This spirit pervades the nation.

But not so hath it been decreed." There was a pause. Thou mayst have him for a son-in-law, though no rival to Clarence. Montagu hath hinted that the duke so aspires." "He has his father's face well," said the earl, softly. "But yet," he added, in an altered and reflective tone, "the boy is to me a riddle.

It seeks the maximum of individuality with the maximum also of personality; it aspires to the identification of the Universe with itself; it aspires to God. And this vast I, within which each individual I seeks to put the Universe what is it but God?

But when it has succeeded in joining itself to the Spiritual mind and works for, aspires after the Larger Self the "I AM" it has to renounce or "disattach" itself from the personal self and work under the guidance of the impersonal Higher Self. "I refuse to be contained within my hat and boots," said Walt Whitman.

Napoleon is buried in the Dome des Invalides, a chapel in this building. The Tuileries. The palace of the French kings in Paris. Uhlans. Prussian cavalrymen. Selma Lagerlöf, who was born in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1858, is the Swedish idol in literature. Yet she is a woman who aspires to no prominence. She is modest, retiring, and unconscious of self.

But in France it is not enough that a man who aspires to the honour of being a member of the Academy, and of receiving the royal stipend, has a love for the sciences; he must at the same time be deeply skilled in them; and is obliged to dispute the seat with competitors who are so much the more formidable as they are fired by a principle of glory, by interest, by the difficulty itself; and by that inflexibility of mind which is generally found in those who devote themselves to that pertinacious study, the mathematics.

This so moves and hurries me, in the eagerness and longing, that straightway all my chance is lost; and memory, scared like a wild bird, flies. It is not likely that I shall have much power of authority; and yet the Counsellor creeps up to be my Lord of the Treasury; and his son aspires to my hand, as of a Royal alliance.

"True; quite undisputable, Kate, and them sentiments do you credit. Who is the man?" "The human soul," continued Katherine seriously, "aspires to higher things than the society columns of the New York Sunday papers, and the frivolous chatter of an overheated ball-room." "Again you score, Kate, and are rising higher and higher in my estimation. I see it all now.

To say that "Virtue is the highest good" is a proposition to which every one who aspires to the spiritual life must yield assent with his lips, even if he has not yet learned to believe it in his heart. But alter it into "Virtue is the only good" and by that slight change it becomes at once the teeming mother of paradoxes. By a paradox is meant that which runs counter to general opinion.

Here there is no drawing-room, but the parlour aspires to comfort quite undreamt of by an English tradesman. Our old friends the horse-hair cedar couch, the gent's and lady's chairs together with four balloon high chairs, turn up again.