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It was only twenty-four hours since they had left Calcutta, and they were still in that early stage of journeying when they looked askance at their fellows, decided that never, no, never had Fate placed them in the midst of such uninteresting companions, and determined to keep severely to themselves during the rest of the voyage.

Many turned to look after such a stout, tall fellow, for his shoulders were broader by a palm's-breadth than any that were there, and he stood a head taller than all the other men. The lasses, also, looked at him askance, thinking they had never seen a lustier youth.

In this day, when a large portion of the periodical press, which does the thinking for most of us, looks askance at these truths, and when, on the principle that in the kingdom of the blind the one-eyed man is the king, popular novelists become our theological tutors, and when every new publishing season brings out a new conclusive destruction of Christianity, which supersedes last season's equally complete destruction, it is hard for some of us to keep our flags flying.

He kept scanning the sky. Then, "Did you ever hear them whistle for a wind?" he asked. "No. What is it like?" "When Adams does it, it's like this." He put on a furtive look, and glanced once or twice at her askance. "Well!" he said with the reproduction of a strong nasal, "of course I don't believe there's anything in it. Of course it's all foolishness.

The last telegraph-pole stood in the yard, and the wire went from it to the wing with the blind wall. The door was open and I went in. By the table at the telegraph was sitting a man with a dark, curly head in a canvas coat; he glared at me sternly and askance, but he immediately smiled and said: "How do you do, Profit?"

"In our business we think that appearances ought to be deceptive." "Now talking of your business," Mr. Prohack remarked with one of his efforts to be very persuasive. "What about this unfortunate affair?" "Yes, sir, what about it?" The detective looked askance at Eve. "I suppose there's no doubt the thing's been stolen By the way, sit on the end of the bed, will you? Then you'll be near me."

She was an acceptable playmate, for she knew several new and exciting games, and her conversation lacked not spice. In fact, some of her expressions made Nan and Di look at her rather askance. They were not quite sure what their mother would have thought of her, but they knew quite well what Susan would. However, she was a visitor at the manse, so she must be all right.

Burgess was in the room, cross-legged on the floor, ironing out his master's best coat. "What the devil are you about," said Philip ungraciously. "Get up. I need what floor I've got to stand on." Burgess obediently laid the board and the coat on a trunk and continued ironing; and Philip scowled at him askance. "Why don't you enlist?" he said.

The serving man looked at me askance, remembering his orders, still he ushered us into the justice room where the Squire sat drinking ale. 'Good morrow to you, neighbour, said the Squire; 'you are welcome here, but you bring one with you who is not welcome, though he be your son. 'I bring him for the last time, friend Bozard.

Then she added, after a pause: "Isn't that beautiful?" "How dares she say such words?" thought Giselle, whose sense of propriety was outraged by this allusion to love. Fred, too, looked askance and was not comfortable, for he thought that Jacqueline had too much assurance for her age, but that, after all, she was becoming more and more charming.