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The carpal bones as they articulate with one another and with the radius and metacarpal bones, as classed by anatomists, form three distinct articular parts of the joint as a whole and are known as radiocarpal, intercarpal and carpometacarpal. These three pairs of articulating surfaces are all enclosed within one capsular ligament.

"Ladies! ladies!" exclaimed Somerset, amazed at so extraordinary a scene; "what has happened?" Lady Dundas lifted up her clenched hand in a passion. "A jade! a hussy!" cried her vulgar ladyship, incapable of articulating more.

With a sugary smile, chewing his lips, he kissed her hand, and asking her permission to come again, took his leave, while she remained standing in the middle of the drawing-room, amazed, enchanted, unable to believe that this change in her life, this marvellous change, had taken place so quickly; and at that moment Modest Alexeitch walked in . . . and he, too, stood before her now with the same ingratiating, sugary, cringingly respectful expression which she was accustomed to see on his face in the presence of the great and powerful; and with rapture, with indignation, with contempt, convinced that no harm would come to her from it, she said, articulating distinctly each word: "Be off, you blockhead!"

Together, accordingly, we mounted the staircase; he still pulling his luggage after him, and striding lightly up without articulating a word; and on reaching his bedroom, he immediately removed his hat, showing a sinister, black scratch-wig underneath, and then began unrolling the mighty woolen wrapping of his mouth and chin. "Come," thought I, "we shall see something of your face after all."

A look that resembled the turbid glare of insanity was riveted upon them whilst he uttered shriek after shriek, without the power of articulating a syllable. The room, too, was dim and gloomy; for the light of the candle that was left burning beside him had become ghastly for want of snuffing.

No sleep visited the eyes of his family during these terrible days; whilst his mother, with eyes tearless and full of anguish riveted upon her son, followed him from room to room, and from bed to bed; now hanging over his pillow, now seated at the foot of his bed, and smiling tenderly upon him when he appeared to know her, and articulating his name in a low and almost inaudible voice.

It was Lulie's voice, raised in anxious protest. "Father, please." Her father sharply ordered her to be quiet. "Go on, Julia," he persisted. "Tell me what you want me to do." Again Little Cherry Blossom seemed to have difficulty in articulating. There was a quaver in her voice when she did speak. "Julia say," she faltered; "Julia sayee 'Jethro, you sell R.P." This was unexpected.

On the other hand, the free legato flow of the vowels need not interfere at all with distinct articulation. The voice is composed of two separate and distinct instruments, the organ which produces sounds or vowels, and the articulating organ which produces consonants.

As savage as the animals, and perhaps more so, he had almost entirely forgotten the secret of articulating intelligible sounds. Captain Rogers having asked him how long he had been secluded in this island, Selkirk remained silent; he nevertheless understood the question, for his eyes immediately opened with terror, as if he had just measured the long space of time which his exile had lasted.

Scarcely had she run through it, which she did with the most devouring haste, when she let it drop from her hands, and faintly articulating, "Ah, cruel priest!" she fell upon his bosom, which she bathed with her tears. After some moments of distress too big for utterance, Marion, deeply sighing, at length broke silence. "Ah, Louisa! and must we part so soon!"