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"Yes, Jack; you are one of the few men I know I can trust in everything. But two of us are not enough. If harm has befallen the Arbuckles it is the duty of the whole camp or, at least, every man in it to try to sift matters to the bottom." "Right ye air, Pawnee. I'll raise a hullabaloo and rouse 'em up." Jack Rasco was as good as his word.

That's the talk!" responded half a dozen of the group, who had been anxiously discussing the question. "No, no!" added half a dozen others. "Why not?" demanded Raymond of the opponents of the plan. "Because the Arbuckles are on board, for one reason, and because it will be mutiny, for the second," said Tremere, who volunteered to be spokesman for the opposition. "Mr.

The Arbuckles attended the party to the station, and when the last words of farewell had been spoken, the train moved off. The excitement of the excursion was ended, and the ride to Brest was rather dull. The buoyant spirit of youth, however, soon furnished a new hope, and they now looked eagerly forward to the meeting of dear friends at home.

The Blankvilles and the Arbuckles, with Shuffles and Paul, hastened to the cathedral, as it was but a short distance from the hotel. Sir William was not in attendance, being engaged with Lord Elfinstone. Dr. Winstock, as usual, did much of the talking, being entirely familiar with all the localities and traditions of the city.

"You may go on shore, and invite the Arbuckles to join us; or, as we can work the ship very well without a commodore, you may stay on shore with them until our return." "Invite them to go with us," suggested Shuffles. "I think the presence of our friends will have a good effect upon the crew." "I should be very glad to have them go with us," replied Paul.

Arbuckle invited us to take a trip into Germany, and Mr. Lowington promised that we should go. Then, because we don't drill quite as well as the new captain wishes, he insists upon going to sea. The cruise down the Rhine is given up, and we are to carry the Arbuckles to Belfast." "Who says we are going to Belfast?" demanded Tremere. "All the fellows say so."

The commodore, in the mean time, can wait on the Arbuckles. I see no difficulty in getting off by sunset." "It will be rather short notice for the Arbuckles," suggested Paul. "They are ready to go to Germany at an hour's notice, and it will require no more preparation for this voyage. You can go on shore at once, Commodore Kendall.

The Arbuckles had seats near the foremast, on which the professor displayed his maps, diagrams, and other illustrations of his teachings. These lectures were received with different degrees of favor by various students. While such as Paul Kendall, Shuffles, Gordon, and Tremere regarded them as very valuable privileges, others considered them as intolerable bores.

The two state-rooms, which had been built for the use of the commodore and the past officers, were appropriated to their use. If Raymond, and such as he, were not willing to listen to the mutinous counsels of the runaways, he was not the less dissatisfied and discontented. The arrival of the Arbuckles, with their baggage, indicated that the trip to the Rhine had been abandoned.

Winstock, Paul, and the Arbuckles rode, contained one less than usual, for Captain Shuffles not entirely to the satisfaction of Sir William occupied a place with the party of the earl. The railway carriages in Germany are generally built with a first-class compartment at one end, while the rest of the space is devoted to the second-class passengers.