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Before he could answer, before he could return smile or touch, she was gone absorbed into the maze of lights, and he was alone, to turn which way he would. The fifth floor was dim and silent, the door of M. Cartel's appartement was closed; but Max, mounting the stairs two steps at a time, was not daunted by silence or lack of light.

This, then, was his possible neighbor! He scanned the name attentively. "This is the fifth floor, madame?" "The fifth floor, monsieur!" Without ceremony the little woman went forward and, to his astonishment, rapped sharply upon the door with the brass plate. Max started. "Madame! The appartement is not occupied?"

Once again, as on the day she had first visited the appartement and made acquaintance with the old painter and his wife, dread of some mysterious force filled Maxine. What marvellous power was this that could smile secure at poverty and oblivion that could cast a halo of true emotion over a Bal Tabarin? "It is not true!" she cried out, in answer to herself. "Not true, madame?

A brilliant sunset was firing a salvo of scarlet and gold behind it, and they stood for a moment to admire. "Oh, Paris! Paris!" murmured Morrison. "Paris in April! There's only one thing better, and that we have before us Paris in May!" They turned in past the loge of the concierge, and mounted in the languidly moving elevator to the appartement.

Madame Bridau did not reproach her; she sent away the footman and cook, sold all but the bare necessities of her furniture, sold also three-fourths of her government funds, paid off the debts, and bade farewell to her appartement.

The architect had combined richness with simplicity. A narrow red carpet relieved the whiteness of the stairs, which were polished with pumice-stone. The first landing gave an entrance to the entresol; the doors to each appartement were of the same character as the street-door, but of finer work by a cabinet-maker.

Thus, for instance, a fragment of three pages begins: 'A compliment which is only made to gild the pill is a positive impertinence, and Monsieur Bailli is nothing but a charlatan; the monarch ought to have spit in his face, but the monarch trembled with fear. A manuscript entitled 'Essai d'Egoisme, dated, 'Dux, this 27th June, 1769, contains, in the midst of various reflections, an offer to let his 'appartement' in return for enough money to 'tranquillise for six months two Jew creditors at Prague. Another manuscript is headed 'Pride and Folly, and begins with a long series of antitheses, such as: 'All fools are not proud, and all proud men are fools.

Warren had had one or two slight warnings that a life of pleasure saps the strongest constitution. She lived now mainly at her farm, the Villa Beau-séjour, and only occasionally occupied her appartement in the Rue Royale.

"'Violets fade so soon I will not take them, thanks, she said 'I have to do some shopping before I go home and I could not carry them. But I knew it was not that. She did not want to take them perhaps she felt she'd given up enough of her pride to take my money for one day So I said nothing, but that I did hope she would be feeling better by the time she came to the appartement on Saturday.

This Gendrin, a profoundly immoral artist, had brought in women of bad lives, and made the staircase intolerable, conduct worthy of a man who made caricatures of the government. And why such conduct? Because his rent had been asked for on the 15th! Gendrin and Molineux were about to have a lawsuit, for, though he did not pay, Gendrin insisted on holding the empty appartement.