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He is a good fellow, and immensely rich: it is Fitzwarrene; he owes me great favours. 'Dear Mirabel, I am delighted to see you. This is good and kind. I am so damned dull here. It quite gladdens me to see you; but do not talk about money. 'Here is 500L.; four other fellows at 500L. we can manage it. 'No more, no more! I beseech you. 'But you cannot stop here. Quel drôle appartement!

Absolutely necessary." Max ran back. "Then, monsieur, I will conduct you up-stairs." The suggestion was greedily seized upon. This appartement on the fifth floor had grown in value with each moment of denial. "Thank you, madame, a thousand times!" "Shall we mount?" "On the moment, if you will."

In a half-opened table-drawer she found a pawnbroker's ticket for the old servant's watch which he had pledged some days before. She ran to the laboratory and found it filled with scientific instruments, the same as ever. Then she returned to her own appartement and ordered the door to be broken open her father had respected it! Marguerite burst into tears and forgave her father all.

She wondered if such moments ever came to the two quiet, self-controlled men who came and went, with cordial, easy friendliness, in and out of the appartement on the Rue de Presbourg. They gave no sign of it, they gave no sign of anything beyond the most achieved appearance of a natural desire to be obliging and indulgent to the niece of an old friend.

His reminiscences were very happy of those days of cheerful contrivance, of her eager desire to make the tiny appartement a home to her boy, of their pleasant Sundays and holidays, and the life that in this manner was peculiarly guarded by her influence, and the sense of being all she had upon earth.

Max had never doubted that, if courage were high enough to undertake the quest, absolute success awaited him. He read the legend again, 'Appartement

Her manner was curt the manner of one who has been disturbed at some engrossing occupation. Max felt rebuffed; he raised his hat and bowed with as close an imitation as he could summon of Blake's ingratiating friendliness. "Madame, you have an appartement to let?" "True, monsieur! An appartement on the fifth floor gas and water." There was pride in the last words, if a grudging pride. "Precisely!

Madame Bridau chose this lodging for three reasons: economy, for it cost only four hundred francs a year, so that she took a lease of it for nine years; proximity to her sons' school, the Imperial Lyceum being at a short distance; thirdly, because it was in the quarter to which she was used. The inside of the appartement was in keeping with the general look of the house.

"My porter came to tell me just now that the sheriff has affixed the seals to the Sieur Cayron's appartement; he has disappeared." "I hope I'm not juggled out of five thousand francs," thought Birotteau. "Cayron always seemed to do a good business," said Lourdois, who just then came in to bring his bill.

The dining-room, hung with a yellow paper covered with little green flowers, and floored with tiles that were not glazed, contained nothing that was not strictly necessary, namely, a table, two sideboards, and six chairs, brought from the other appartement. The salon was adorned with an Aubusson carpet given to Bridau when the ministry of the interior was refurnished.