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Ragon lived in the Rue du Petit-Bourbon-Saint-Sulpice, on the second floor of a dignified old house, in an appartement decorated with large panels where painted shepherdesses danced in panniers, before whom fed the sheep of our nineteenth century, the sober and serious bourgeoisie, whose comical demeanor, with their respectful notions about the nobility, and their devotion to the Sovereign and the Church, were all admirably represented by Ragon himself.

See him now in a charming appartement de garcon an premier in the Rue du Helder, close by the promenades and haunts of the mode. It had been furnished and inhabited by a brilliant young provincial from Bordeaux, who, coming into an inheritance of one hundred thousand francs, had rushed up to Paris to enjoy himself, and make his million at the Bourse.

When he met the tenants on their first arrival he was accompanied by a locksmith and a painter and glazier, very convenient folks, as he remarked. The lessee was at liberty to make improvements; but if the unhappy man did so, little Molineux thought night and day of how he could dislodge him and relet the improved appartement on better terms.

She lives with her daughter while they are in the country it seems the custom here, these huge family parties living together all the summer. The young people have their appartement in the Champs Elysées in Paris, and the old ones go to the family hotel in the Faubourg St. Germain. Héloise and the Comtesse de Tournelle are great friends.

Perhaps you had better advertise in 'Les Petites Affiches. You ask too much for the habitues of this neighbourhood, one hundred francs a month." "But the lodging is furnished, and well too, and has four rooms. One hundred francs are not much." A thought flashed upon Graham. "Pardon, Monsieur," he said, "have you an appartement de garcon to let furnished?" "Yes, Monsieur, a charming one.

He smiled, nodded, and ran down the first flight of stairs; but by the window at the half-landing he stopped and looked back. "Madame, tell me something! What is the rent of the appartement?" "The rent? Two hundred and sixty francs the year." "Two hundred and sixty francs the year!" His voice was perfectly expressionless. Then, apparently without reason, he laughed aloud and ran down-stairs.

He raised the half-empty tumbler, drank a little, and handed it across the table. Max laughed and drank as well. "My romance whatever it may be!" "Whatever it may be! And now for that breath of air we promised ourselves! It's close on ten o'clock." So the meal ended; coats were found, candles blown out, and a last proprietary inspection of the appartement made by the aid of matches.

"Where shall we ever put them all?" said Madame Birotteau. "But, anyhow, after that Sunday," she added naively, "there will come a Monday." Nothing can be done simply and naturally by people who are stepping from one social level to another. Not a soul not Madame Birotteau, nor Cesar himself was allowed to put foot into the new appartement on the first floor.

No invitations to the wedding were sent out, nor any "billets de faire part"; Philippe had his designs. He lodged his wife in an appartement in the rue Saint-Georges, which he bought ready-furnished from Lolotte. Madame Bridau the younger thought it delightful, and her husband rarely set foot in it.

So when he bought the appartement restored by Grindot, from Celestin, when he stipulated that all should be kept intact, when he religiously preserved the smallest things that once belonged to Cesar and to Constance, he was dreaming of another ball, his ball, his wedding-ball!