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Updated: August 15, 2024

"Well, I saw in a minute what Sally Ann was aimin' at. And I says to Abram, 'Abram, haven't you got somethin' to do with app'intin' the judges for the women's things? And he says, 'Yes. And I says, 'Well, you see to it that Sally Ann gits app'inted to help judge the caliker quilts. And bless your soul, Abram got me and Sally Ann both app'inted.

If it wa'n't for the superintendent bein' such a friend of mine, there'd have been a reg'lar assistant keeper app'inted long ago. The gov'ment don't pick up its lightkeepers same as you would farm hands. There's civil service to be gone through, and the like of that. But you wanted to stay, and I've kept you, riskin' my own job, as I said.

"Well, I don't know as I have." "Well, have you?" "No," said the judge. "A-any legal objection to my bein' app'inted?" asked Jethro. The judge looked at him and gasped. But the look was an involuntary tribute of admiration. "Well," he said hesitatingly, "I don't know as there is, Jethro. No, there's no legal objection to it." "A-any other kind of objection?" said Jethro.

The year arter the doctor was app'inted to preach the 'lection sermon in Boston, he made such a figger that the Brattle-street Church sent a committee right down to see if they couldn't get him to Boston; and then the Sherburne folks, they up and raised his salary; ye see, there ain't nothin' wakes folks up like somebody else's wantin' what you've got.

She began singing softly: "An' when a shadder falls acrost the winder Of my room, When I am workin' my app'inted task, I lift my head to watch the door an' ask If he is come; An' the angel answers sweetly In my home: 'Only a few more shadders An' He will come." "Aunt Debby, honey," said Fortner, rousing himself from a nap in his chair, "thet thar lead's burnin'. Better run yer bullets."

Now 'twere funny he turned up jest as he done; funny I got app'inted cook o' The Snow so as I had to give that 'ere paper to you. I tell ye it's workin' allus workin'." "Doctor Franklin wants to see you," said Jack. "Put on your Sunday clothes an' we'll go over to his house. I think I can lead you there. If we get lost we'll jump into a cab."

I've just heard somethin' that's goin' to make a big row in this town and it's got to do with Cap'n Sam's bein' app'inted on that Gov'ment Exemption Board for drafted folks. If you'd heard Phineas Babbitt goin' on the way I done, I guess likely you'd have been interested."

He took one long look at Jethro and bent over and slapped his hand on his knee, and burst out laughing. "So here you be!" he cried. "By Godfrey! ef you don't beat all outdoors, Jethro. Wal, I got ahead of ye for once, but you can't say I didn't warn ye. Come purty nigh bustin' the stage on that road today, and now I'm a-goin' to hev an agent app'inted." "W-who's the agent?" said Jethro.

He took one long look at Jethro and bent over and slapped his hand on his knee, and burst out laughing. "So here you be!" he cried. "By Godfrey! ef you don't beat all outdoors, Jethro. Wal, I got ahead of ye for once, but you can't say I didn't warn ye. Come purty nigh bustin' the stage on that road today, and now I'm a-goin' to hev an agent app'inted." "W-who's the agent?" said Jethro.

He's app'inted ag'in." Dempsey caught up his hat and hurriedly left the room, followed by Quigg and Crimmins. McGaw, he said to himself, as he ran downstairs, must be blind drunk, not to come to the meeting, " him! What if he gives everything away!" he added aloud. "This news is awful," said the president. "I am very sorry for Mrs. Grogan and her children she was a fine woman.

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