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Updated: August 5, 2024

I was so enraged at the language addressed to him, that I discovered myself, and apostrophising the tomb in my turn; I cried, "O tomb! why dost not thou swallow up that monster so revolting to human nature, or rather why dost not thou swallow up both the lover and his mistress?" I had scarcely uttered these words, when the queen, who sat by the black, rose up like a fury.

In the region of domestic affections a new and ennobling motive came from Bethlehem "that I may please God." Knox Little. Elizabeth put on an air of great severity as she regarded the culprit. "Rotherwood is about a mile and a quarter from our gate," she observed, apostrophising some midges that were dancing in a sunbeam overhead. "You could walk there easily in twenty minutes.

Lolita is a mustang pony of clear chestnut colour, with white mane and tail; while the person thus apostrophising her is a young girl seated astride upon its back. A beautiful girl, apparently under twenty of age, but with a certain commanding mien that gives her the appearance of being older.

"Robespierre," said he, apostrophising him directly; "Robespierre you alone keep the public mind in suspense doubtless this excess of glory was reserved for you. Your speeches belong to posterity, and posterity will come to judge between you and me.

She went to one of the fireplaces, and stood with her hands folded on the edge of the mantelpiece, and her forehead resting on them, looking down at the flowers and foliage plants which concealed the grate. "You cannot go on like this, you know," she mentally ejaculated, apostrophising herself.

But, I say, who's that gesticulating on the rock there to the right of it? I verily believe it's Wright, apostrophising the ocean for Vernon's benefit. I only see one of them though." "I bet you he's spouting 'Roll on, thou deep and dark blue ocean roll! Ten thousand fleets, etc." said Graham laughing.

"O! Tuncan, Tuncan, my boy!" cried the old man, shoving his hands deeper into his breeches pockets, and apostrophising his imprisoned son as he walked up and down in the privacy of his own bedroom. "O that wan o' the name should come to such disgrace! An' it's denyin' it you will be, whether you are guilty or innocent.

"Yer mare is winnin'," yelled a granger. "You bet she is," retorted Mr. Roberts. "See her! Ain't she takin' the kinks out of her speed? Ain't that a clip? Sit still, ye fool," he cried lustily, apostrophising the boy who was riding; "if ye git a move on ye I'll kill ye. Oh, my lord! if she ain't a-goin' to distance them! Yes, sir, she's a shuttin' 'em out.

Y'are a precious sight, y'are!" he continued, apostrophising the 'rambler' branches "For all yer green buds ye ain't a-goin' to do much this year! All sham an' 'umbug, y'are! all leaf an' shoot an' no flower, like a great many people I knows on ah! an' not so far from this village neither! I'd clear it all out if I was you, Passon, I would reely now!" Walden laughed.

Taking the robe from my shoulders, I spread it over the back of my horse; and employing a piece of the laryette as a surcingle, I bound it fast. Into the improvised saddle I mounted the girl, from a rock, leaping upon the croup behind me. "You, Wolf!" cried she, apostrophising the dog; "you stay here by the game, and guard it from the coyotes. Remember! rascal! not a mouthful till I return.

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