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Supposing it had been twenty-two instead of thirty-two, and out of his splendour he had given his heart to her dark beauty, what a tale it might have been what a fairy-tale of sweet, impossible things, with a golden-haired prince and a dark-eyed princess. She awoke from her day-dream with a touch of impatience, apostrophising herself for her folly.

A monk of Malmesbury spoke more to the purpose, according to then received ideas, in thus apostrophising the comet: 'Here art thou again, cause of tears to many mothers! It is long since I saw thee last, but I see thee now more terrible than ever; thou threatenest my country with complete ruin.

"Ah then, darlin'," cried Maroon, apostrophising her, "av ye go on like that much longer it's snappin' yer cable ye'll be after." "It wouldn't be the first time," growled John Bowden, as he leaned against the gale and watched with gravity of countenance a huge billow whose crest was blown off in sheets of spray as it came rolling towards them. "Howld on!" cried Teddy Maroon, in anxiety.

Cattley senior and junior on their return from the theatre. "Inscrutable mysteries! say, what is this?" exclaimed the elder clown, advancing into the room on tiptoe. Apostrophising his eye and one Betty Martin, the younger clown said that it was a "rare go and no mistake," whereupon his father laid his hand on Willie's shoulder and gently shook him.

"Vayate!" he continues to ejaculate in a tone of mock scorn, apostrophising the great luminary, "no thanks to you now, showing yourself when you're not needed. Instead, I'd thank you more if you'd kept your face hid a bit longer. Better for us if you had." "Why better?" asks Cypriano, who, as well as Ludwig, has been listening with some surprise to the singular monologue.

He procured a pipe from a neighbouring public-house, and smoked it, looking in at the railings and maturely considering the spot. "Jerry," said Mr. Cruncher, apostrophising himself in his usual way, "you see that there Cly that day, and you see with your own eyes that he was a young 'un and a straight made 'un."

The speaker was apostrophising some person or animal, who was, according to her, the most insupportable of Heaven's creatures; and at last, with calls upon martyred saints, and cries of "Fanny-anny, Fanny-anny," there mingled a scuffling and trotting which soon died away in the distance, leaving stillness. Soon after, having finished my meal, and paid my bill, I went out to Joseph.

Oh, you jewel, David, but you'll bring him low, lad you'll bring him low before you've done promise me that. I shall see him a beggar yet, lad, shan't I? Oh, nectar! And Daddy poured down his champagne, apostrophising it and David's vengeance together. Dora looked distressed. 'Father Lucy! How can you say such things? 'Lucy eh? Lucy? She won't be a beggar.

Then he flung his hat on the floor, and curvetted about the room, alternately rubbing his hands and running his fingers upward through his luxuriant hair till it stood on end all over his head. "And have I found you?" he cried sentimentally, apostrophising the ceiling. "Oh, have I found you? What a Lohengrin! Ach Gott! it is the prince himself.

If the sentiment of freedom be dear to you, you are fresh from apostrophising the statue of Liberty, and you may have just whispered to yourself that you are breathing a clearer, larger air. Even the exquisite courtesy of the officer who has invited you in the blandest terms to declare that you have no contraband, has belied the voice of rumour and imparted a glow of satisfaction.