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"Free, massa!" exclaimed the negro, rolling up his great eyes at his questioner, in earnest wonder; "why, what de debil put dat in your head? No, sah! I wouldn't be free for nuffin. If dares one ting in dis world more mean dan anudder, I 'spect it's a free nigger. Guy! de Lord deliber dis chile from anyting ob dat kind." "You astound me, Jeff. This is all nonsense."

Lies, I have no doubt to some people, but I was compelled to be truthful to this man who carried a gentle and open countenance with him. No gentleman could have answered me more politely than he did now. "Sir I am astonish oui un peu, but if there is anyting I can tell you, anyting I can show you I shall be ver glad. The mill how do you find dat, Sir?

Plainly it did, to judge by the eloquence of Franz's eyes and his joyous smile. With quick speech he responded. "He say," reported Louis, "he vant to vork for you. No wagees till he plees you. He do anyting. You van' heem?" "Well, I'll have to think about that," Burns temporized. "But tell him not to worry. We'll find a job before we let him go.

"Me have honour, as me say, to be deir king, and no monarch can do boast of more dutiful subject, ne no more affectionate. How far me deserve deir good-will, me no say; but dis me can say, dat me never design anyting but to do dem good.

"We'll consider that afterwards, my lad. Meantime go you to the rear, and get a weapon of some sort." "Oui. Ah! c'est charmant," he cried, going with an immense flounder into the midst of the amused trappers, and slapping those next to him on the back. "Give me veapon, do, mes ami gun, pistol, anyting cannon, if you have von." Meanwhile Cameron and Joe spoke together for a few moments.

Doos a'most anyting 'cept what's good." "Swate cratures," murmured Rooney; "I hope we'll be introdooced to aich other soon." As it is desirable that the reader should have a little more extended knowledge of the miscreants referred to, we will retrace our steps in time a little, and change the scene.

"No I nevah get no money foh work." "I allways had good meals and was well taken care of. De Mrs. she nevah let me be sold." "Sho we had a cook in de kichen and she was a slave too." "Plantashun slaves had gahdens but not de house slaves. I allus had da bes clothes and bes meals, anyting I want to eat.

Milady Lucy Ferrars know she look well in anyting, but yet she should not wear old clothes: no right for example for de trade, and de hoosband always like de wife well dressed ha ha!" Poor Lady Lucy! Too sick at heart to have any relish for Madame Dalmas' nauseous compliments, and more than half aware of her cheats and falsehoods, she yet tolerated the creature from her own dire necessities.

"Look, Massa Easy, you wish take a cruise, and I wish the same ting: now because mutiny you want to go back but, by all de powers, you tink that I, a prince in my own country, feel wish to go back and boil kettle for de young gentlemen. No, Massa Easy, gib me mutiny gib me anyting but once I was prince," replied Mesty, lowering his voice at the last few emphatic words.

"Look, Massa Easy; you wish take a cruise, and I wish the same ting: now because mutiny you want to go back but by all de powers, you tink that I, a prince in my own country, feel wish to go back and boil kettle for de young gentlemen. No, Massa Easy, gib me mutiny gib me anyting but once I was prince," replied Mesty, lowering his voice at the last few emphatic words.