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None except Mascari, whom we pushed aside and disdained to hear, strove to conciliate; some took one side, some another. The issue may be well foreseen. Swords were drawn. I had left mine in the ante room; Zicci offered me his own, I seized it eagerly. There might be some six or eight persons engaged in a strange and confused kind of melee, but the Prince and myself only sought each other.

Now he would be too proud to permit them to try anything of the sort, and he would tell the truth about his connection with the affair if the truth were demanded of him. "We're in a bad box," said one fellow in one of the little groups. "Diamond is mad enough to do as he threatens." "Sure," nodded another. "And that breaks up this joint. No more little lunches here no more games of penny ante."

Boswell celebrates Reynolds's 'equal and placid temper, ante, i. I. On Aug. 12, 1775, he wrote to Temple: 'It is absurd to hope for continual happiness in this life; few men, if any, enjoy it. I have a kind of belief that Edmund Burke does; he has so much knowledge, so much animation, and the consciousness of so much fame. Letters of Boswell, p. 212. ante, i. 446. Baretti says, that 'Mrs.

See ante, iii. 265, for Lord Shelburne's statement on this subject. See ante, ii. 339, and iii. 205, note 4. See ante, iii. 46. The passage quoted by Dr. Johnson is in the Character of the Assembly-man; Butler's Remains, p. 232, edit. 1754: 'He preaches, indeed, both in season and out of season; for he rails at Popery, when the land is almost lost in Presbytery; and would cry Fire!

One distinguished authority says: Praefectus turmae equitum Hispanorum, cum proelio tuba caneret, unum ex equitibus suae turmae obvium habuit; qui questus est quod paucis ante diebus equum suum in certamine amiserat, propter quod non poterat imminenti proelio interesse; unde jussit Praefectus ut unum ex suis equis conscenderet et ipsum comitaretur.

When blamed for keeping the wedding-dinner waiting, he answered, that if what he had been doing turned out well, it would be of far more value than a wedding-dinner. The Rector of St. Chad's, in Shrewsbury. He was appointed Master of Pembroke College, Oxford, in the following year. See ante, ii. 441. 'I have heard Dr.

The splendid cadence of the opening couplet Cynthia prima suis miserum me cepit ocellis Contactum nullis ante cupidinibus must have come on its readers with the shock of a new revelation. Nothing like it had ever been written in Latin before: itself and alone it assures a great future to the Latin elegiac.

Ther's six pore kiddles, six pore lone little kiddies with their faces gapin' fer food like a nest o' unfledged chicks in the early frosts o' spring. Now every mother's son o' you 'ante' right here. Natur' busy or no natur' busy, I don't quit till you've dipped into your wads. Now you, Smallbones," he cried, fixing the little man with his desperate eyes. "How much?"

See post, under Sept. 29, 1783. 'The delight which men have in popularity, fame, honour, submission, and subjection of other men's minds, wills, or affections, although these things may be desired for other ends, seemeth to be a thing in itself, without contemplation of consequence, grateful and agreeable to the nature of man. Bacon's Nat. Hist. Exper. No. 1000. See ante, ii. 178.

For Dr. Hurd see ante, p. 189. There is a curious anecdote of this physician in Gent. Mag. 1772, p. 467. See ante, p. 166. His Christian names recall his Stuart ancestry. Dr.