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Langton being at this time on duty at Rochester, he is addressed by his military title. Eight days later he recorded: 'I have in ten days written to Aston, Lucy, Hector, Langton, Boswell; perhaps to all by whom my letters are desired. Pr. and Med. 209. He had written also to Mrs. Thrale, but her affection, it should seem from this, he was beginning to doubt. See ante, p. 84. See ante, i. 247.

Macbeth, act i. sc. 3. According to Murray's Handbook, ed. 1867, p. 308, no part of the castle is older than the fifteenth century. See post, Nov. 5. The historian. Ante, p. 41. See ante, iii. 336, and post, Nov. 7. See post, Oct. 27. Baretti was the Italian. "Pray, Sir," said Johnson, "do you know who was the author of the Lord's Prayer?"

Both Nonpareil and Bon Chretien are in Johnson's Dictionary; Nonpareil, is defined as a kind of apple, and Bon Chretien as a species of pear. See ante, p. 311. See ante, iv. 9. 'Dryden's contemporaries, however they reverenced his genius, left his life unwritten; and nothing therefore can be known beyond what casual mention and uncertain tradition have supplied. Johnson's Works, vii. 245.

He then called for the book of the Gospels, and requested them to read to him the Gospel of St. John, at that part where the history of the Passion of our Blessed Saviour begins by these words: "Ante diem festum Pascha," before the Feast of the Passover.

I that never used to drink, and seldom would try, had commonly some gentlemen with me that served for that purpose when it was necessary. Temple's Works, ed. 1757, i. 266. See ante, ii. 450, note 1, and iii. 79. The passages are in the Jerusalem, canto i. st. 3, and in Lucretius, i. 935, and again iv. 12.

Johnson, tho' not in good health, is in general very talkative and infinitely agreeable and entertaining. Pemb. Coll. Johnson said 'Milton was a Phidias, &c. Ante, p. 99, note 1. I think he would have let himself be killed first. I do not think that he would have told a lie. See ante, iii. 376.

Blair. 'In defiance of censure and contempt truth is frequently violated; and scarcely the most vigilant and unremitted circumspection will secure him that mixes with mankind from being hourly deceived by men, of whom it can scarcely be imagined that they mean any injury to him or profit to themselves. Works, iv. 22. See ante, pp. 226, 243.

Is it fair, is it reasonable in the honourable gentleman to impute to the Union evils which, as he knows better than any other man in this house, existed long before the Union? Post hoc: ergo, propter hoc is not always sound reasoning. But ante hoc: ergo, non propter hoc is unanswerable.

His criticism, however, was commonly just; what he thought he thought rightly; and his remarks were recommended by his coolness and candour. See ante, iv. 9, 63. 'She was the only interpreter of Erse poetry that I could ever find. Johnson's Works, ix. 134. See ante, p. 241.

Victim at once to wine and love, I hope, MARIA, you'll forgive; While I invoke the powers above, That henceforth I may wiser live. The lady was generously forgiving, returned me an obliging answer, and I thus obtained an Act of Oblivion, and took care never to offend again. See ante, ii. 436, and iv. 88, note I.