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We'll let you know exactly what's in them as soon as we know ourselves," he promised. "Nothing could be fairer than that," said Allen cheerfully. "I guess since we've waited so long, we can afford to wait a little longer." "It won't be much longer," Mr. Mendall responded. "We want you all to know how grateful we are for this assistance.

He cannot speak English.... "Allen and I are both billeted in the same room here. B Company Mess is in a house close by, and B Company are billeted in the barns of a farm almost opposite. The northern part is on the reverse slope of a hill which lies on the other side of the valley. Battalion Headquarters is at a farm on that northern side of the high ground, just by the church.

It was at first proposed that the board should consist of the governor, attorney general and the warden of the prison, but before the bill passed, Senator Allen J. Greer secured the substitution for the chief justice for the warden, boasting, when the amendment was made: “That ties the Youngers up for as long as Chief Justice Start lives.”

George Bemis was dismally formidable. George Bemis was our fellow-traveler. We had never seen him before. He wore in his belt an old original "Allen" revolver, such as irreverent people called a "pepper-box." Simply drawing the trigger back, cocked and fired the pistol.

This refractory criminal must be saved from himself, cost what it might, and responsibility again rested heavy on my client's mind as I rowed him out to the Maria. "Crocker," he said, "if Allen is scooped in spite of us, you have got to go East and make him out an idiot." He seemed to think that I had a talent for this particular defence. I replied that I would do my best.

"Whenever he saw it afterward he said, 'Never again! meaning he would never strike me again. Then, when he noticed the scar that night, although I had put on a light scarf to cover it, he said 'Never again! in that peculiar intonation, and I knew then that he knew Victoria Van Allen was his own wife. "I ran out to the dining-room and he followed me."

Both he and the captain were in my dressing-room before I was up, ahead of that scurrilous clergyman, who was for pushing his way to my bed-curtains. Ay, the two of them were here at nigh dawn this morning, and Mr. Allen close after them. And I own that Captain Daniel can swear with such a consuming violence as to put any rogue out of countenance. 'Twas all Mr.

This left the Hut to be defended by its owner, the serjeant, the two Plinys and a young descendant of the same colour, Jamie Allen, Blodget and Mike, who had not yet been relieved from his ward over the Indian; eight men in all, who might possibly receive some assistance from the four black females in the kitchen.

He had on a sort of a gray suit, and a rose-bud in his button-hole. He was a good-lookin' man, though he had a middlin' tired look in his kinder brown eyes as he looked up. I had thought that likely as not, entirely unbeknown to me, I should soar right off into a eloquent oration. For I honored him as a President. I felt like neighborin' with him on account of his name Allen!

Allen. "The service you are now about to render me, cannot be estimated in the usual way. To me, it will be far beyond all price." She was agitated, and paused to recover herself. Then she resumed, with her usual calmness of manner "Bring the carriage here driving with as little noise as possible in half an hour. Be very discreet. Don't mention the matter even to your wife.