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If we can do that, we can keep out MacDougall and everybody elsebuy when we get ready. We couldn’t pay Alfego much, but we could let him in on the railroad dealsomething MacDougall won’t do. And Alfego, you know, is a penitente. And all those little rancheros are penitentes. It’s the strongest penitente county in the State, and you know none of the penitentes like gringos.

Alfego, without altering his look of rapt meditation, nodded his head slowly. “Do you suppose that you will gain anything by that, if this gringo gets these lands?” Ramon went on. “You know that you will not. But I will make you my partner. And I will give you the option on any of my mountain land that you may wish to rent for sheep range.

When his preparations were completed he rode straight to the town of Alfego where the powerful Solomon had his establishment, dismounted under the big cottonwoods and strolled into the long, dark cluttered adobe room which was Solomon Alfego’s store.

“I am Ramon Delcasar,” Ramon replied, extending his hand with a smile, “and it may be that you can do much for me.” “Ah-h-h!” breathed Alfego, with another bow, “Ramon Delcasar! He bent over and measured scant two feet from the floor with his hand. “My house is yours. I am at your service. Siempre!”

More than that, I will make you a written agreement to do these things. In all ways we will be as brothers.” “You are a worthy and pious young man!” exclaimed Solomon Alfego, rolling his eyes upward, his voice vibrant with emotion. “You shall be my brother in the blood of Christ.”

My friend, I must have your help.” Ramon said this as impressively as possible, and paused expectantly, but as Alfego said nothing, he went on, gathering his wits for the supreme effort. “I know that you are a leader in the great fraternity of the penitent brothers, who are the best and most pious of men. My friend, I wish to become one of them.

I think MacDougall is lending money through him, getting mortgages on ranches that way.” “Well; what do you think we had better do?” Ramon enquired. The situation looked bad on its face, but he could see that Cortez had a plan. “Just one thing I thought of,” the little man answered slowly. “We have got to get Alfego on our side.

He saluted all at once, lifting his hat, with a cordialComo lo va, amigos,” and then devoted himself to an apparently interested inspection of the stock. This, if conscientiously done, would have afforded a week’s occupation, for Solomon Alfego served as sole merchant for a large territory and had to be prepared to supply almost every human want.

Cortez had already sent word to Alfego that Ramon was coming to Arriba County. He could not afford a change of plans now. But the prospect of seeing her again filled him with pleasure, sent a sort of weakening excitement tingling through his body. And what did it mean that he was to be allowed to call on her? Had she, by any chance, won over her mother and brother? No; he couldn’t believe it.

The two strolled about the store, talking of the weather, politics, business, the old dayseverything except what they were both thinking about. Alfego opened a box of cigars, and having lit a couple of these, they went out on the long porch and sat down on an old buggy seat to continue the conversation. Alfego admired Ramon’s horse and especially his silver-mounted saddle.