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Answer, first, why the heart thrills; explain wherefore some plaintive note goes wandering about the world, undying; make clear the rose's stable alchemy evolving its ruddy lamp in light and rain. In the essence of these facts lie the first principles of morals. " Oh," though Drouet, " how delicious is my conquest." " Ah," though Carrie, with mournful misgivings, " what is it I have lost?"

Since those days, when likewise he had cast nativities for us maidens, and many a time amused us with his magic arts, we had no knowledge of him but that, after his parents' death, he had ceased to ply the apothecary's trade, and had given himself up to the study of Alchemy.

I pricked up my ears. "Have you struck gold, Boris?" "No, better; but see here, Alec!" he laughed, starting up. "You and I have all we need in this world. Ah! how sinister and covetous you look already!" I laughed too, and told him I was devoured by the desire for gold, and we had better talk of something else; so when Genevieve came in shortly after, we had turned our backs on alchemy.

Her story was hidden there in Keeley's Gulch with Bignold, and he was galloping hard to reach his foe. As he went, by some strange alchemy of human experience, by that new birth of his brain, the world seemed different from what it had ever been before, at least since the day when he had found an empty home and a shamed hearthstone.

So you may see that Mental Transmutation is the "Art of Mental Chemistry," if you like the term a form of practical Mystic Psychology. But this means far more than appears on the surface. Transmutation, Alchemy, or Chemistry on the Mental Plane is important enough in its effects, to be sure, and if the art stopped there it would still be one of the most important branches of study known to man.

For love is the spiritual alchemy, not merely the love for friends and for those near and dear to us; not merely the love for those who are agreeable and winning and whose high qualities inspire it, but love, love and good will for all. The command to love one's enemies is not an idle nor even an impossible one.

As Bacon says, in De Augmentis Scientiarum: "Alchemy may be compared to the man who told his sons that he had left them gold buried somewhere in his vineyard; where they by digging found no gold, but by turning up the mould about the roots of the vines, procured a plentiful vintage.

By his mysterious alchemy, he has crystallised the doubtful waters, which once were in the cup of Life and Love, into a jewel which has no flaw. He has kept the child forever a child, caught the maiden at the noon of her beauty to enshrine her thus for always in the heart that loved her most; made the true and loving comrade a comrade always, though on the highways of the vast Unknown.

They had been fused, by some wonderful alchemy; and instead of being worlds apart, they were at one. So, John Cummings, her brother, stepping briskly in, after tying his horse at the gate, came upon her unawares, and started, with a hoarse, thick cry.

Returning to the previously mentionedspiritual powers” I should mention that alchemy also attempts to include in a short schema the inventory of powers available for the Great Work. It uses different symbols for this purpose; one of the most frequent is the seven metals or planets.