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Updated: August 12, 2024

My goody! thinks I, 'if you are so fond of it, why the plague don't you begin airly? If you'd a had it at five o'clock this morning, I'd a done justice to it; now I couldn't touch it if I was to die. "There it was, though. Help yourself, and no thanks, for there is no sarvants agin. The rule here is, no talk no sarvants and when it's all talk, it's all sarvants.

Raymond, my good boy," said the priest, "how does it happen that you are so early up this stormy morning? would you not be more comfortable in your bed?" "Airly up," replied Raymond, "airly up! that's good to be sure you're a priest, but you don't know everything." "Why, what am I ignorant of now, Raymond?"

Then there is the elderly Scotch gentleman, who appropriately hails from the place with the outlandish name of Musquodoboit. He tells us that during the "airly pairt" of his residence in America he visited in the States, and that he has seen "fower Preesidents" inaugurated.

For when I heard what you'd said, I got on that mustang and started for the school-house to clean you out and giv' you five minutes to leave Injin Spring. I don't know ez you remember that day. I'd kalkilated my time so ez to ketch ye comin' out o' school, but I was too airly. I hung around out o' sight, and then hitched my hoss to a buckeye and peeped inter the winder to hev a good look at ye.

She sails fur Sanpritchit every Monday mornin', and generally stops here when she's got any freight ter leave fur the store, though I never knowed her ter come so airly in the mornin'." "My conscience!" I exclaimed. "I must get on board of her." "Aboard of her!" said he. "She's been gone more 'n half an hour.

What on airth is a-goin' to happen now? Well, wonders will never cease. It raised my dander; at last says I, 'Now, mother, don't say that 'ere any more for gracious sake, for it makes me feel ugly, and I'll get up as airly as any on you, and so I did, and I soon found what's worth knowin' in this life An airly start makes easy stages." No. The Clockmaker's Opinion of Halifax.

Airly has in the course of a day, and to ascertain what stylish-looking young lady is visiting there, and what mustached gentleman it is who raises his eye-glass so gracefully as the three drive past. Then she must stroll forth every morning at a certain hour, which she has learned is etiquettical, with a card-case in her hand, for that is the way Mrs.

"Ye men hed better lay down an' git some sleep," she said, as she replaced the molds and ladle on the shelf. "Ye'll need all yer strength to-morrer. I'll neck these bullets, an' git together some vittles fur the trip, an' then I'll lay down a while. We orter start airly soon arter daybreak."

Well, thank my stars the Airly Castle is safe in the Downs. Miss Burs. Mr. Bursal, can you inform me why Joe, my groom, does not make his appearance? Mr. Burs. Yes, that I can, child; because he is with his 'orses, where he ought to be.

"Wal, I'll tell ye what I did," said Uncle Solon, his homely face puckering in a reminiscent smile. "I went out airly in the mornin', before I turned my cows to parster, and picked up the acorns under all the oak-trees. I sot down on a rock, took a hammer and cracked them green acorns, cracked 'em 'bout halfway open at the butt end.

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