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Updated: August 17, 2024

Il a des manieres franches et avenantes; il se fait aimer de tous ceux qui l'approchent, et surtout des enfants. Il a la parole facile, et possde a un haut degre l'eloquence du bon sens et du coeur. Il n'est point auteur.

Aimer quelqu'un, c'est

His Highness the Duke even made an allusion to the circumstance. When on this eventful night, I went, as usual, and made him my bow in the presentation, "Vous, monsieur," said he "vous qui etes si jeune, devez aimer la danse." I blushed as red as my trousers, and bowing, went away. I stepped up to Dorothea.

While they were being ushered in he heard a man's voice rather high-pitched speaking in some language not his own; then the girl: "No, no, Oliver. 'Dans l'amour il y a toujours un qui aime, et l'autre qui se laisse aimer."

Existence without these luxuries would be very much like life in Madrid. Yet it is not so dismal as it might seem. The Grande Duchesse of Gerolstein, the cheeriest moralist who ever occupied a throne, announces just before the curtain falls, "Quand on n'a pas ce qu'on aime, il faut aimer ce qu'on a." But how much easier it is to love what you have when you never imagined anything better!

One couldn't walk out of an evening without meeting loitering couples in the dusky streets and lanes. The boys had lost all their bashfulness about trying to speak French. They declared they could get along in France with three verbs, and all, happily, in the first conjugation: manger, aimer, payer, quite enough! They called Beaufort "our town," and they were called "our Americans."

As he took the steam-gun, so he now takes what might become the stoker of the steam part of that machine and the aimer of its gun part. As he takes the musket, so he seizes the object who in the Virginia army carries that musket on its shoulder until its master is ready to reach out a lazy hand, nonchalantly lift the piece, and carelessly pop a Yankee.

She was an ingenious young woman, and the verbs I had to write as punishments were of the most elaborate and complicated nature Demander pardon pour Avoir Siffle comme un Gamin quelconque, Vouloir ne plus Oublier de Nettoyer mes Ongles, Essayer de ne pas tant Aimer les Poudings, are but a few examples of her achievements in this particular branch of discipline.

Two years later, not finding even this fortress safe enough, she removed her to an island in the middle of the Lake of Menteith, where a priory, the only building in the place, provided an asylum for the royal child and for four young girls born in the same year as herself, having like her the sweet name which is an anagram of the word "aimer," and who, quitting her neither in her good nor in her evil fortune, were called the "Queen's Marys". They were Mary Livingston, Mary Fleming, Mary Seyton, and Mary Beaton.

"Here, Leah," continued Bertha, laughing, and winking her roguish eyes at Lizzie, "how much do you know of the verb aimer?" "More than I wish I did," was the laconic reply of the beautiful Jewess. "I suppose so, judging from what I saw on last Saturday evening. But here we are at the lion's den, and our levity had better subside." "Bon jour, madame!" "Bon jour, mesdemoiselles."

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