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Updated: August 26, 2024

There is likewise another great advantage in my scheme, that it will prevent those voluntary abortions, and that horrid practice of women murdering their bastard children, alas! too frequent among us, sacrificing the poor innocent babes, I doubt, more to avoid the expence than the shame, which would move tears and pity in the most savage and inhuman breast.

The "plague wind," so he named it tremulous, intermittent, blighting grass and trees blew from no fixed point of the compass, but always brought the same dirty sky in place of the healthy rain-cloud of normal summers; and the very thunder-storms seemed to be altered by its influence into foul and powerless abortions of tempest.

Do we want the millions of abortions performed annually to be multiplied? Do we want the precious, tender qualities of womanhood, so much needed for our racial development, to perish in these sordid, abnormal experiences? Or, do we wish to permit woman to find her way to fundamental freedom through safe, unobjectionable, scientific means? We have our choice.

'Tis these good and zealous patriots, trusting to a little favourable breeze that blew for a few days past, who have been the cause of all this disturbance, and who are ruining their miserable country miserable, I say, for having produced such abortions as themselves." Notwithstanding what had passed, however, Richardot intimated that Alexander was still ready to negotiate.

As for the remainder, the hundred pale abortions to be counted against one rosy-cheeked boy, what shall we say or do? Depressed by the sight of so much misery, and uninventive of remedies for the evils that force themselves on my perception, I can do little more than recur to the idea already hinted at in the early part of this article, regarding the speedy necessity of a new deluge.

Were a face and form of primal perfection to appear among men, might not its divine originality repel an ordinary observer, used to consider beautiful such abortions of the Creator's design as sin and degeneration have produced? Not easily can one imagine what a real man or woman would look like. Painting nor sculpture can teach us; we must learn, if at all, from living, electric flesh and blood.

God knows of what they were thinking as little probably as the smoke they blew through their chiselled nostrils but their beauty and grace were unsurpassable. And, visioning our western and northern towns and the little, white, worried abortions they breed, one felt downcast and abashed.

"Well, what is it Maxley! Rheumatism again?" "No, that it ain't," bellowed Maxley defiantly. "What then? Come, look sharp." "Well, then, doctor, I'll tell you. I'm sore troubled with a mouse." This malady, announced in the tone of a proclamation, and coming after so much solemn preparation, amused the party considerably, although parturient mountains had ere then produced muscipular abortions.

That is not correct, for even at Common Law it is a misdemeanor to bring about the death of an unborn child by the use of drugs or by any other means. At Common Law there was a difference of opinion as to whether all induced abortions were illegal.

By its very nature it is de jure, if not de facto, excluded from certain territories if it ventures therein it produces only abortions. Even with these exceptions there is still left for it a very wide range.

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