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"It was given on the recommendation of the Comte de Serizy." "What was the woman like?" asked the public prosecutor. "She seemed to be a lady." "Did you see her face?" "She wore a black veil." "What did they say to each other?" "Well a pious person, with a prayer-book in her hand what could she say? She asked the Abbe's blessing and went on her knees." "Did they talk together a long time?"

On reaching his destination, the young missionary had found himself surrounded by circumstances which were wonderfully in harmony with his celestial longings: some of his predecessors had been carried so far by religious zeal that the King of Siam had put several to death by torture and had forbidden any more missionaries to enter his dominions; but this, as we can easily imagine, only excited still more the abbe's missionary fervour; evading the watchfulness of the military, and regardless of the terrible penalties imposed by the king, he crossed the frontier, and began to preach the Catholic religion to the heathen, many of whom were converted.

You are evidently much attached, Madame, to Mademoiselle de Nailles." "Very much, indeed," she answered, bravely, "very much attached to her, and still more to him; therefore you understand that this marriage must absolutely must take place." She had risen and was folding her cloak round her, looking straight into the Abbe's eyes.

To his other representations of the consequences of the Queen's indiscreet openness, the Abbe Vermond added that, being obliged to write all the letters, private and public, he often found himself greatly embarrassed by affairs having gone forth to the world beforehand. One misfortune of putting this seal upon the lips of Her Majesty was that it placed her more thoroughly in the Abbe's power.

It was on Thursday, the abbe's reception day; people went there in crowds. The cardinal's refusal to pay the pension was known about the town in half an hour and he was abused with wit and vehemence. In the Rue Saint Honore Athos fell in with two gentlemen whom he did not know, on horseback like himself, followed by a lackey like himself, and going in the same direction that he was.

"Monsieur Aubert," I said to him, "you have several times offered to give me lessons. I now come to request you to carry out your kind offer." I had spent part of the night in preparing this opening speech and in deciding how I had best comport myself in the abbe's presence.

"And we should be glad if that were so," said Madame Scott, "for we have plenty, and we could not do better with it." Then followed the happiest little dinner party that had ever taken place beneath the abbé's roof. Madame Scott explained how her husband had bought the château as a surprise for her, and that neither she nor her sister had seen it until that morning.

"Well, Grandchamp," said Cinq-Mars, "now that we are clear of the riot, tell me how you came to be there when I had ordered you to remain at the Abbe's." "Parbleu, Monsieur!" answered the old servant, in a grumbling tone, "do you suppose that I should obey you any more than I did Monsieur le Marechal?

"My dear sir, the government is rich and does not want your treasures," replied the inspector; "keep them until you are liberated." The abbe's eyes glistened; he seized the inspector's hand. "But what if I am not liberated," cried he, "and am detained here until my death? this treasure will be lost. Had not government better profit by it?

Therefore the abbe's abandonment was the more insulting, because it made her feel her want of social value; all choice implies contempt for the thing rejected. "Monsieur Birotteau does not find us agreeable enough," said the Abbe Troubert to Mademoiselle Gamard's friends when she was forced to tell them that her "evenings" must be given up. "He is a man of the world, and a good liver!