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Updated: August 25, 2024

John Gibbon, commanding the district of Montana, at once took the field at the head of 146 men and thirty-four citizens, who joined as volunteers, and on the 11th of August attacked them near Big Hole Pass, Montana, and, after one of the most desperate engagements on record, in which both sides lost heavily, he succeeded in driving them from the field.

We will now compare the heating power of this gas with bituminous coal, taking as a basis a coal slightly above the general average of the Pittsburg coal, viz.: "We find that 38 lb. of this coal contains 146,903,820 heat units. The 64.4 lb. of this coal contains 210,069,640 heat units, or 54.4 lb. of coal is equal in its heating power to 1,000 cubic feet of natural gas.

The total expense of maintenance of armies and navies, together with the cost of construction in thirteen years, in Germany, Austria, Russia, France and Great Britain, was as follows: Naval expenditures $5,648,525,000 Construction 2,146,765,000 Cost of armies 13,138,403,000 Total $20,933,693,000

These were Nathaniel Fiennes, alias "Young Subtlety," and the witty and freethinking Henry Marten. Although as many as 146 Recruiters had been elected before the end of the year, they appear to have taken their places but slowly. Not till January 26, 1645-6, does one perceive any considerable effect on the numbers of the House.

A favorite title of several gods, Bel, Sin, etc., that emphasizes their strength. Here the seeker for help inserts his name. Here the names of special deities are to be inserted. See above, Nusku, p. 220. See p. 67. A form of Nusku, according to Tallqvist, Assyr. Beschwör. p. 146. It would be more accurate to say a form of Ninib. See p. 92. See p. 91. King, Babylonian Magic, p. 3. Humanity.

In both countries, a price was affixed on kings, a fine expiated their murder, as well as that of the meanest citizen; and the smallest violation of ancient usage,or the least step towards tyranny, was always dangerous, and often fatal to them." Ditto, p. 189-40. "They were not allowed to impose taxes on the kingdom." Ditto, p. 146.

Consequently there is universal lukewarmness, "only forty persons being found to form a popular club, holding sessions as a favor every five days.... Public spirit at Bergues is dead; fanaticism rules." Berryat-Saint-Prix, "La Justice Revolutionnaire," p. 146. Brutus Thierry, grocer, member of the Rev. Com. "History of England," I., 152. I. Marat. Marat.

I believe I am fairly safe here, and my friends are to be relied upon, though they are much occupied with the gambling and the smoke, so there is not much quietness. If you write, address me as Mackirty, 146 Smike Street, Shadwell." It had needed little penetration to identify the writer of the note as Ivan, and to guess that he had taken refuge in a gambling and opium den.

The position of the lighthouse on Low Head is as follows: latitude 41 degrees 03 minutes 26 seconds South, longitude 4 degrees 25 minutes 44 seconds West, of Sydney; or 146 degrees 50 minutes 16 seconds East of Greenwich, variation 10 degrees 05 minutes easterly.

The artist's careful application to his monumental task may be estimated by the fact that 146 preliminary drawings for this series are preserved in the Louvre. Lesueur's modesty and high purpose went almost unheeded amid the exultant prosperity of the fashionable courtier-artists of his day. We retrace our steps, pass through Room XIII., turn R., and enter the spacious

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