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It didn't mintion his name, but it might just as well. 'Twas th' same as sayin': 'Now, look here, Mulligan, me brave fellow. 'Tis up to you to settle this whole matther. It's got beyond us and we rely on ye not to dump us. We lost our heads but a man iv ye'er carackter can't afford to do annything rash or on-thinkin' like a lot iv excitable fi-nanceers. Ye must get undher th' situation at wanst.

Dooley. "If ye expect to dhraw anny coin fr'm that there masheen, ye may call on some iv ye'er rough frinds down town f'r a brace an' bit an' a jimmy. Jawn, me la-ad, I see th' nickel with th' string before; an', to provide again it, I improved th' masheen.

There's th' same not gettin' up till ye want to, th' same meetin' ye'er frinds f'r th' first time in their good clothes an' th' same thumpin' sthrangers over th' head with a brick. Afther awhile th' main guy comes home fr'm th' seaside, raises wages twinty per cent, fires th' boss an' takes in th' walkin' dillygate as a specyal partner.

Iverywan knows that a burly fellow like you wudden't be at anny employmint as light an' effiminate as makin' shoes. But supposin' fr th' sake iv argymint ye're a shoemaker. Ye get two dollars a day f'r makin' forty dollars' worth iv shoes. Ye take part of ye'er ill-gotten gains an' leave it with me f'r dhrink.

It shows ye'er in good thrim, an' it don't hur-rt him. They'se no wan to stop his pay. He goes up to th' cashier an' dhraws his forty-wan-sixty-six jus' th' same whether he's sick or well, an' whether he's pulled th' box reg-lar or has been playin' forty-fives in th' back room.

Thin we wint up to each other. 'A Happy New Year, says I. 'Th' same to you, says he, 'an' manny iv thim, he says. 'Ye have a brick in ye'er hand, says I. 'I was thinkin' iv givin' ye a New Year's gift, says he. 'Th' same to you, an' manny iv thim, says I, fondlin' me own ammunition. ''Tis even all around, says he.

At last accounts th' followin' dispatches had been received: 'To Willum McKinley: Congratulations on ye'er noble victhry. Ar-re ye much hur-rted? "Where did ye hear all this?" asked Mr. Hennessy, in great amazement. "I r-read it," said Mr. Dooley, impressively, "in the Staats Zeitung." "I usen't to know," said Mr. Dooley, "what me frind Gin'ral Sherman meant whin he said that thing about war.

'Mollie 'll bring in th' coal, he says. 'An' as f'r you, Honoria, ye'd best see what there is in th' cupboord an' put it in ye'er dinner-pail, he says. 'I heerd th' first whistle blow a minyit ago, he says; 'an' there's a pile iv slag at th' mills that has to be wheeled off befure th' sup'rintindint comes around, he says.

Dooley, "he was in here las' night. 'How's our old frind Jawn? says I. He said nawthin'. 'Have ye seen ye'er collidge chum iv late? says I. 'Don't mintion that ma-an's name, says he. 'To think iv what I've done f'r him, he says, 'an' him to throw me down, he says. 'Did ye play th' tip? says I. 'I did, says he.

'I am in favor, howiver, iv restrictin' their use to encounters with races that we properly considher infeeryor, he says. Th' dillygate fr'm Sinagambya rose to a question iv privilege. 'State ye'er question iv privilege, says th' chairman. 'I wud like to have th' windows open, says th' dillygate fr'm Sinagambya. 'I feel faint, he says.