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In both houses she was doubtless treated with all respect, and she must have occupied a position in them something between that of a paying-guest and a lunatic living in the private house of a doctor not that there was any lunacy in the mind of Lady Elizabeth. Quite the contrary! XCII, No. 101, 23rd July, 1617. Campbell, Vol. I., p. 300. Campbell, Vol. I., p. 301. Ibid., p. 302.

XCII. The Widow's Son. Once upon a time there was a poor woman whose husband died suddenly from snake bite, leaving her with one little girl.

After uttering these words he charged first on the right wing, and about one hundred and twenty chosen volunteers of the same century followed. XCII. There was so much space left between the two lines, as sufficed for the onset of the hostile armies: but Pompey had ordered his soldiers to await Caesar's attack, and not to advance from their position, or suffer their line to be put into disorder.

Trevor Wheler, who did receive, upon the same establishment, when he was Fourth Assistant at Oude, 6,000l. a year; and which last fact the said Hastings has admitted upon record "that the accusations of Mr. Bristow and Mr. XCII. That the aforesaid Bristow did also produce the following letter in proof that Mr.

SECT. XCII. A Prayer to God. O my God, if so many men do not discover Thee in this great spectacle Thou givest them of all Nature, it is not because Thou art far from any of us. Every one of us feels Thee, as it were, with his hand; but the senses, and the passions they raise, take up all the attention of our minds.

S.P. Dom., James I., Vol. XCII, No. 101, 22nd July, 1617. S.P. Dom., James I., Vol. XCIII., No. 18, 12th August, 1617. S.P. Dom., James I., Vol. XCIII., No. 28, 18th August, 1617. Life of Sir Edward Coke. By Humphrey Woolrych. London: J. & W.T. Clarke, 1826, pp. 146-48. Life and Correspondence of Francis Bacon. London: Saunders, Otley & Co., 1861, p. 459.

Le Monnier. See vol. i. of the edition of Machiavelli, by Mess. Fanfani and Passerini, Florence, 1873; p. lv. Villani's Machiavelli, ib. p. 306. The income is estimated at about 180l. See Pandolfini, Trattato del Governo della Famiglia. Fanfani and Passerini's edition, vol. i. p. xcii. Elogia, cap. 87.

In consequence of a dream, too, he always, on a certain day of the year, begged alms of the people, reaching out his hand to receive the dole which they offered him. XCII. Some signs and omens he regarded as infallible. If in the morning his shoe was put on wrong, the left instead of the right, that boded some disaster.

And the panel, be it known unto all whom it concerns, is installed and instated into all the rights, privileges, etc., that belong to the name, title, and designation of wife. XCII. To MR. ROBERT AINSLIE. MAUCHLINE, May 26th, 1788.

It may have happened to many to mistake, for a section of a second, the face of a stranger for the face seen only in dreams, and to find that the recognition brings no surprise. Pieces of a character apart from the rest, and placed in a designed sequence, are xcii., xciii., xcv. In the first the poet says