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The true relation may be seen in the fact that in England the difficulty of getting store-cattle was a loss to farmers, whereas it has been a decided gain to farmers in Ireland though they are not best pleased when you impress the fact on them. Mr. Finlay Dun in Landlords and Tenants in Ireland in 1881 cites some examples which may be apt to-day when we are considering Mr. Wyndham's Act.

The regiments as they arrived were hurried across the bridge, to take part in the defense of the position guarding the bridge, where General Wyndham's troops were defending themselves desperately against immense forces of the enemy. "What has happened?" was the question the officers of the naval brigade asked those of the garrison when they first met. "Oh, we have been fearfully licked.

Dot and his guests had heard of Harry Wyndham's death, and Fanny's accession of fortune; but they had not heard that she had rejected her lover, and that he had been all but turned out of her guardian's house.

He was a friend of Mrs. Wyndham's; her keen instincts had long ago recognized the true metal in the man, and of all who came and went in her house there was none more welcome than he.

But of all men I have ever known, I really think the most provoking is Charles." "Musing?" inquired her nephew, sauntering up to her. "I was thinking that we had just lost the pleasantest person of our little party," said Lady Mary, viciously seizing up her work. "I am still here," suggested Charles, by way of consolation. "I don't start for Norway in Wyndham's yacht for three days to come."

Balfour's views, and generally the promotion of general administrative improvement and conciliation." Mr. Wyndham's acceptance of these terms was explicit, and it was understood, as the Chief Secretary put it in the House of Commons when the whole subject came up for review, that Sir Antony was appointed rather as a colleague than as a mere Under Secretary to register Mr.

"They are safe with me." "Thanks," said Ronald in a low voice. Josephine entered the room, clad in many furs, and a few minutes later all three were on their way to Mrs. Wyndham's, the big booby sleigh rocking and leaping and ploughing in the heavy dry snow. Pocock Vancouver was also abroad in the snowstorm.

"Tell me all about the people here, Joe," said he, sitting down beside her almost as though nothing had happened. "Who is Mrs. Wyndham, to begin with?" "Mrs. Wyndham she is Sam Wyndham's wife. Just that," said Joe. "And Sam Wyndham?" "Oh he is one of the prevalent profession. He is a millionaire. In fact he is one of the real ones." "When do they get to be real?" asked Ronald.

It was unpardonably audacious; but that was Noel Wyndham's way, and somehow no one ever took offence. Olga did not take offence, but she winced ever so slightly; a fact which Noel obviously failed to observe, being occupied with the difficult task of releasing himself from Peggy's ardent embraces. When he finally obtained his freedom and stood up, Olga had passed out again into the passage.

And all in vain! How proud and satisfied Lord Ballindine might have been, had he been able to see all this, and could he have known how futile was every effort Lord Cashel could make to drive from Fanny Wyndham's heart the love she felt for him. The invitations, however, were, generally speaking, accepted.