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"I shell be glad enough when the settled weather comes to stay. I kin git some o' these young'uns out from under foot all day long, then. "Trimmins has got a gang wo'kin' for him over th' mountain a piece " "Here comes dad now," said the sharp-eyed Virginia. "And the elder's with him." "Why ya-as," drawled her mother, "so 'tis. It's one of Concannon's timber lots Trimmins is a-wo'kin' at."

He knew that she had been to the jug and found . He groaned, but at last his very helplessness drove him in. Polly, with swollen eyes, was sitting by the table, the empty jug lying on its side before her. "Sam," she exclaimed, "whaih's my money? Whaih's my money I been wo'kin' fu' all dis time?" "Why Why, Polly " "Don' go beatin' 'roun' de bush. I want 'o know whaih my money is; you tuck it."

W'en she cook chicken, she save me a wing; W'en dey 'low I'm wo'kin', I ain' doin' a thing!" The grating of the key in the rusty lock interrupted the song. The constable thrust his prisoner into the dimly lighted interior, and locked the door. "Keep over to the right," he said curtly, "that's the niggers' side." "But, Mistah Haines," asked Peter, excitedly, "is I got to stay here all night?

"La, chile, I reckon de white folks gwine to git dat money. I ain't nevah gwine to live to 'ceive it. Des' aftah I been wo'kin' so long fu' it, too." The small eyes of Mr. Buford glittered with anxiety and avarice. What, was this rich plum about to slip from his grasp, just as he was about to pluck it? It should not be. He leaned over the old lady with intense eagerness in his gaze.

As they approached this structure, which was sufficiently forbidding in appearance to depress the most lighthearted, the strumming of a banjo became audible, accompanying a mellow Negro voice which was singing, to a very ragged ragtime air, words of which the burden was something like this: "W'at's de use er my wo'kin' so hahd? I got a' 'oman in de white man's yahd.

"Oom huh; fou' yeahs is a mighty long time fu' a colo'd man to wait; but we'n he do wait dat long, hit's all de wuss we'n hit do come." "Pap bin wo'kin right stiddy at de brick-ya'd," said Patsy, in loyal defence against some vaguely implied accusation, "an' he done put some money in de bank." "Bad sign, bad sign," and Mrs. Gibson gave her head a fearsome shake.