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Once more he placed a warning finger on his lips; once more he gave Mistress Charity a knowing wink, and her wrist an admonitory pressure, then he resumed his staid and severe manner, his saintly mien and somewhat nasal tones, as from the gay outside world beyond the window-embrasure the sound of many voices, the ripple of young laughter, the clink of heeled boots on the stone-flagged path, proclaimed the arrival of the quality.

"Poor fellow! Well, well! This is the most amazing tale I ever heard in my life." "It is rather strange," Mr. Bishop compassionately admitted. A silence fell respectful to the memory of the dead. The members' coffee-room seemed to Mr. Prohack to be a thousand miles off, and the chat with his cronies at the table in the window-embrasure to have happened a thousand years ago.

Immediately he extinguished his lantern, and had scarcely gained the friendly shelter of a window-embrasure, when the door at the top of the stairway was opened and a feeble light illuminated the gallery. He could feel for, concealed by a curtain, he could not see that a woman was cautiously descending the upper steps of the stairs. He hoped she would come no closer.

George Oakleigh, in naval uniform, was unashamedly sleeping in a deep window-embrasure, his mouth open and his eyeglasses on his knees. Deganway and Carstairs were arguing in subdued tones and seemed as vacantly uninterested as Pentyre, who had exhausted the feuilleton of his paper and was studying the advertisements.

He sat down to lunch among half a dozen cronies at one of the larger tables in a window-embrasure of the vaulted coffee-room with its precious portrait of that historic clubman, Charles James Fox, and he ordered himself the cheapest meal that the menu could offer, and poured himself out a glass of water. "Same old menu!" remarked savagely Mr.

We had just finished looking over the "Tancredi," and, as I sat down to rest in an arm-chair near the window, he leaned back in the deep window-embrasure, and looked down into the fine old garden below, from which arose the delicious odor of orange and young grape blossoms. "I was in Venice," he said, "when this opera was composed, in 1813. Mon Dieu! how time flies!

The Prince looked about him, bewildered. He passed one hand across his forehead without replying. Then he turned slightly and perceived me in the window-embrasure, whither I had retreated in fear and wonderment at the marvellous power of Heliobas, thus openly and plainly displayed. "Tell me," he said, addressing me, "have I been dreaming?" I could not answer him.

She moved to a deep window-embrasure, and sat down on the cushioned seat. The spring dusk was falling. She gazed forth into it with that look of perpetual searching that Dinah had grown to know in the earliest days of their acquaintance. She was watching, she was waiting, for what? She longed to draw near and comfort her, but the presence of Eustace made that impossible.

"You have very well disposed, Charles," she approved him. "If your father lives, it should not be a difficult matter " She checked suddenly and turned, while Rotherby, too, looked up and stepped quickly from the window-embrasure where he had stood. The door of the bedroom had been suddenly pulled open, and Sir James came out, very pale and discomposed.