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After quiet came, the Judge read to them the paper he had received from Wilder: "JUDGE MARKHAM: "Your daughter was found this morning, on the banks of the creek, a mile from Wilder's, overcome and much exhausted. She rallied, got into Wilder's, and appears strong and well. Wilder will take you to her." "Whose name is to it, Judge?" "There is none who gave it to you?"

But how happened it that this Mr Howard affected to be ignorant of your name, sir, when he saw it on the list of my officers?" "Ignorant! Did he seem ignorant? perhaps" "Say no more, my brave fellow, say no more," interrupted Wilder's considerate but choleric Commander. "I nave met with such rebuffs myself; but we are above them, sir, far above them and their impertinences together.

"What I intended," responds Hamersley, assuming a curious air; "first make him confess tell all he knows. When we've got his story out of him we can settle that next." The confession is not very difficult to extract. With Wilder's bowie-knife gleaming before his eyes, its blade within six inches of his breast, the wretch reveals all that has passed since the moment of his first meditating treason.

Hartley did not reply for a moment, and just as he was about to speak, Mrs. Wilder's car passed, and Mrs. Wilder leaned forward to smile at the Head of the Police; a small buggy followed with some more friends of Hartley's, and then another car, and the road was clear again. "I believe I am on the right track, but I don't like it, Joicey. I'm damned if I do." "Why not?"

His tone showed deep annoyance, and he was on the point of speaking again when a sharp challenge rang out from their left: "Who goes there?" Instantly Mr. Wilder's anger vanished as he recognized the voice of his foreman and replied: "Don't get excited, Pete. It's only Jim Snider and me."

His immediate need was of something to eat. He was sick with hunger, and he found himself even casting a regretful thought after Wilder's quarter of a dollar. His hand had happened to touch it in his pocket during his morning ride, and he had flung it from him as far as he could into the woods beside the road. "But, no," he thought, "rather would I starve than buy food with that."

Miss Wharton had expressed herself as interested in Miss Wilder's account of Harlowe House and its unique system of management. She had also expressed her desire to meet Grace, and Miss Wilder, hopeful that this interest might prove helpful to Grace, had readily acceded to her wish.

At this election, 1,788 votes were cast for the Constitution, and 9,512 against it. From whence then came this overwhelming majority? The majority of the Free State party was about two to one. "Wilder's Annals," the best extant Free State authority, puts it at this. "The Free State or Republican party has carried every election in Kansas since this date , usually by two to one."

"I shall be glad to welcome you to Harlowe House," said Grace cordially, "provided you can fulfill the requirements necessary for entering Overton. I am going over to Miss Wilder's office this afternoon, and if you wish to go with me you can learn all the particulars. Until then, however, you had better come into the house with Miss Dean and me. I am sure you must be very tired."

Possessed of a hard, unsympathetic nature, she secretly cherished the hope that Miss Wilder would not return to Overton the following year. She also resolved to prove her own worth above that of the kindly, efficient dean whom the Overton girls idolized, and began her campaign by criticizing and finding fault with Miss Wilder's methods whenever the slightest opportunity presented itself.