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Wigglesworth, important, fussy and unctuously impressive, welcoming, directing, introducing and, incidentally but quite ineffectively, seeking to inspire with respect for his august person a nondescript crowd of small boys vainly seeking entrance.

"Yes, Mother, A ken weel, but " "And ye ken ye'll be settin' oot for the Kirk in half an oor " "Half an hour, Mother? Why, it is only half past nine " "A ken weel what it is. But A dinna like tae be fashed and flustered in ma mind on ma way till the Hoose o' God." "I shall only require a very few moments, Madam," said Mr. Wigglesworth. "A releegious meetin', Mr. Wigglesworth?" enquired Mrs.

Maitland glared at him, too dumfounded to speak. "You see, Mr. Maitland," began Mr. Wigglesworth in a hurried and apologetic manner. "'Ere! you keep aht o' this," said Simmons sharply, "this 'ere's my job. I shall tell Brother Maitland all that is necessary." Wigglesworth. "Naw then! IS this your job or mine? Brother Simmons' sarcasm appeared to wither Brother Wigglesworth into silence.

He was an elderly man, a descendant of the old Puritan family of Wigglesworth, with a certain simplicity and singleness, both of heart and mind, which, methinks, is more rarely-found among us Yankees than in any other community of people.

The new pastor frequently married the daughter of his predecessor in the parish, sometimes the widow a most thrifty settling of pastoral affairs. A study of the Cotton, Stoddard, Eliot, Williams, Edwards, Chauncey, Bulkeley, and Wigglesworth families, and, above all, of the Mather family, will show mutual kinship among the ministers, as well as mutual religious thought.

These prescriptions were handed down through four generations of Winthrops, who seem to have united law and medicine, a union less common than that of divinity and medicine. Michael Wigglesworth, whom we know best through his "Day of Doom," visited and prescribed for the sick, "not only as a Pastor but as a Physician too, and this not only in his own town, but also in all those of the vicinity."

Wigglesworth turned on Annette who, now that Sam's bellowing had much abated with the appearance of his father upon the scene, had somewhat regained her nerve. "You?" gasped Mr. Wigglesworth. "You? My Samuel? It's a lie," he cried. "Hey, mon, guairrd y're tongue a bit," said Mack. "Mind ye're speakin' to a leddy." "A lidy! A lidy!" Mr. Wigglesworth's voice was eloquent of scorn.

Beach, 1,802 Made by sundry persons, 2,182 Gave Litchfield militia on alarm, 50 Let the Regiment of Colonel Wigglesworth have, 300 42,088 Mary Ann and Laura were Frederick's sisters, twelve and fourteen years old.

So I told him that I was but a child in years and knowledge, and he a wise and learned man; but if he would not deem it forward in me, I would fain know whether the Scripture did anywhere lay down the particular fashion of wearing the hair. Mr. Wigglesworth said that there were certain general rules laid down, from which we might make a right application to particular cases.

Wigglesworth at the door. "Malcolm," she began with solemn emphasis. "Now, now, Mother, surely you know me well enough by this time to trust my judgment in a matter of this kind," said her son, hurriedly searching for his hat. "Ay, but A'm no sae sure o' yon buddie " "Hoot, toot," said her son, passing out. "A'll be back in abundant time for the Kirk, Mither. Never you fear."