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She was just going to do it, when Jimmie suddenly picked up a new flower, and holding it toward the cat cried: "No, you can't scratch Uncle Wiggily's ears! This is a dog-tooth violet I have just picked, and if you harm Uncle Wiggily I'll make the dog-tooth violet bite you!" And then the big violet went: "Bow! Wow! Wow!" just like a dog, and the cat thinking a dog was after him, meaouwed: "Oh, my!

"And why not with us?" asked Nannie and Billie Wagtail, the goat children. "We'd ask you to come with us," said Jollie and Jillie Longtail, the mouse children, "only our house is so small." Many of Uncle Wiggily's friends, who had hurried up to see the hollow-stump bungalow burn, while he was at the store, now, in turn, invited him to stay with them.

"Yes, I shall!" said the bad cat, stretching out his claws. "Would you mind scratching my ears, instead of Uncle Wiggily's?" asked Jimmie. "I'll let you scratch mine all you want to." "I don't want to," spoke the cat. "Your ears are so small that it is no pleasure for me to scratch them none at all."

And, sitting down on the ground, Uncle Wiggily held the kite from running away while Tommie went for more string. It was a nice, warm, summer day, and so pleasant in the woods, with the little flies buzzing about, that, before he knew it Uncle Wiggily had fallen asleep. His pink nose stopped twinkling, his ears folded themselves down like a slice of bread and jam, and Uncle Wiggily's eyes closed.

And, would you believe it? the time was soon to come when that porcupine was to save Uncle Wiggily's life. Well, the old gentleman rabbit hopped on, looking all over for his fortune, but he couldn't seem to find it anywhere until, all of a sudden, as he was walking along by some big stones, he saw something shining, and picking it up, he found he had a silver twenty-five-cent piece.

Come on, Uncle Wiggily, we'll get away from here." So they went on together until it was time for Johnnie to go home, and he said he'd tell Uncle Wiggily's friends that he had met the old gentleman rabbit, and that he hadn't found his fortune yet, but that he was looking for it every minute, and had had many adventures.

"Yes, we had better be getting home," spoke Uncle Wiggily. "Nurse Jane will soon have supper ready. Won't you come and eat with me, Susie?" "Thank you, I will, Uncle Wiggily," and the little bunny girl clapped her paws; that is, as well as she could, on account of holding her flowers, for she loved to eat at Uncle Wiggily's hollow stump bungalow, as did all the animal children.

I hollered it before either of you," quacked Jimmie, the duck boy, and he tossed some red, white and blue striped marbles on the ground in the ring. The marbles were just the color of Uncle Wiggily's rheumatism crutch.

Up jumped Uncle Wiggily, with his crutch and his valise, and he hopped as hard and as fast as he could run. My! How his legs did twist in and out. "Come on! Come!" barked the first dog to the second one. "I'm coming! I'm coming! Woof! Woof! Bow-w-w Bow-wow!" barked the second dog. Poor Uncle Wiggily's heart beat faster and faster, and he didn't know which way to run.

Oh, dear, I can't seem to make up my mind what to flavor you with," and he held Uncle Wiggily there in his fingers, away up about a hundred feet high in the air, and wondered what he'd do with the old gentleman rabbit. And it's a good thing he didn't eat him right away, for that was the means of saving Uncle Wiggily's life.