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The day declines; the town empties; whiskeys, horses, and carts are giving life to the roads and the lanes; and the market is deserted, and the bank is shut up, and William Mainwaring walks back to his home at the skirts of the town.

Sick at heart, furious, bitterly hurt, with roars of mocking laughter in his ears, Herrick ran toward the stables for help. At the farther end of the terrace the butler had placed a tray of liqueurs, whiskeys, and soda bottles. His back had been turned for only a few moments, but the time had sufficed. Lolling with his legs out, stretched in a wicker chair, Herrick beheld the form of Ikey.

The day declines; the town empties; whiskeys, horses, and carts are giving life to the roads and the lanes; and the market is deserted, and the bank is shut up, and William Mainwaring walks back to his home at the skirts of the town.

I was a boy of tender years then, and often, with my playmates, I was called from our merry games to join the gentlemen over their wine and drain a bumper to our glorious 'Harry of the West, and before I went to the Point, Sandy, I knew the best, and possibly the worst, whiskeys made in Kentucky, we all did, and the man or youth who could not stand his glass of liquor was looked upon as a milksop or pitied, and yet, after all, respected, as a 'singed cat, a fellow who owned that John Barleycorn was too much for him, and he did not dare a single round with him.

You will wish to leave it before the clubbing begins, and either go home to the slumbers which the whistling and twanging will duly attend; or join the diners going into or coming out of the restaurants, or the throngs strolling down into the fairy realms of Broadway, under the flare of the whiskeys and the actresses.

Beyond that, to be sure, there is a mighty flare of electrics blazoning the virtues of the popular beers, whiskeys, and actresses, which might well mislead my elderly revisitor with the belief that Broadway was only taken in by day, and was set out again after dark in its pristine I think pristine is the word; it used to be glory.

It's no inspiration, though, I tell you that." He rose and pressed a bell behind him and ordered whiskeys and ginger ales, as if he were in a hotel. "Sit down, Crocker," he said, waving me to a morocco chair. "Why don't you come over to see us oftener?" "I've been quite busy," I said. This remark seemed to please him immensely.

"Have five whiskeys and sodas," she said, examining her father judicially. He did not deny the charge; Julia's observation was not to be avoided. "And what is five?" he demanded with dignity. "Three too many for you," she answered. "Do you mean to insinuate that I am intoxicated?" he asked. "Johnny," he turned pathetically to his friend, "my own daughter insinuates that I am intoxicated."

At eleven A. M. all assemble at a special resort for the morning "eye-openers," between twelve and two, business stops in order to give the thirsty inhabitants time for tiffin accompanied by a half dozen whiskeys and sodas or "gin-rickeys"; after four all business ceases for tea, and, if the tea cup appears it is usually accompanied by a substantial stick in it, to rouse drooping spirits.

A Gurkha servant with the ugly, cheery face of his race appeared and was ordered to bring three whiskeys and sodas. "Ranga's not a bad place if you can stand the loneliness," continued the Major. "Are you fond of shooting." "Yes, sir, awfully." "Hooray! That's good," cried Burke. "Now we'll have someone to go down to the jungle and shoot for the Mess.