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Take de ole niggah if you's, got to hab somebody. Good Lord, good deah Lord, we don't know whah you's a gwyne to, we don't know who you's got yo' eye on, but we knows by de way you's a comin', we knows by de way you's a tiltin' along in yo' charyot o' fiah dat some po' sinner's a gwyne to ketch it.

I heard an educated gentleman say, 'Like the flag-officer did. His cook or his butler would have said, 'Like the flag-officer done. You hear gentlemen say, 'Where have you been at? And here is the aggravated form heard a ragged street Arab say it to a comrade: 'I was a-ask'n' Tom whah you was a-sett'n' at. The very elect carelessly say 'will' when they mean 'shall'; and many of them say, 'I didn't go to do it, meaning 'I didn't mean to do it. The Northern word 'guess' imported from England, where it used to be common, and now regarded by satirical Englishmen as a Yankee original is but little used among Southerners.

"Mistah Breckenridge" ripped a few more dandelions off their stems and went on. "W'y, when dat woman lef me when mah Hannah went away ah use tuh go aftah night to de place whah she lived, jes' to heah huh laff again. Ah'd stan' out in d' dahk, an' ah'd see huh shadow on de cu'tin, an' den ah'd heah huh laff an' laff lak she always done, an' den ah'd come home!

I wondered at the test of my endurance then. I know now it was to prepare me for Thaine's time of service for his country." "I done remember, all right, 'bout that time in ol' Virginia, an' the day I taken you the letteh up in the little glen behind the ol' mansion house whah hit wah so cool and the watah's so cleah. Misteh Horace wah home that day, too.

"'Well, you'll have to. "'I won't. Whah did he fall? "Someone sketched briefly the approximate locality of Robert Fairfax's resting place, and on the final word Cahoots tore away. "The merciless shot of the Federals was still raking the field. But amid it all an old prairie schooner, gotten from God knows where, started out from the dismantled camp across the field.

En dah's de river dat was turn' to blood, en I's looking at de very same groun' whah de plagues was, en de lice, en de frogs, en de locus', en de hail, en whah dey marked de door-pos', en de angel o' de Lord come by in de darkness o' de night en slew de fust-born in all de lan' o' Egypt. Ole Jim ain't worthy to see dis day!" And then he just broke down and cried, he was so thankful.

Look at dem fo' li'l' spot' on de man' foot! Now, Mistoo Tah-bawx! You been talk' 'bout dem ah bahsta'd hawn-snake not pizen! Well, mos' sholy dey bite ain't pizen; but if dat hawn on de een of his tail dess on'y tetch you, you' gone! Look at dat man! Kill' him so quick dey wa'n't time for de place to swell whah he was hit!" But Tarbox quietly pointed out to St.

Snake take 'n bite Jim's chin off, den WHAH is de glory? No, sah, I doan' want no sich doin's." "Blame it, can't you TRY? I only WANT you to try you needn't keep it up if it don't work." "But de trouble all DONE ef de snake bite me while I's a tryin' him.

'I was a-stannin' heah, an' de dog was a-stannin' heah; de dog he went for de shell, gwine to pick a fuss wid it; but I didn't; I says, "Jes' make you'seff at home heah; lay still whah you is, or bust up de place, jes' as you's a mind to, but I's got business out in de woods, I has!"

Snake take 'n bite Jim's chin off, den WHAH is de glory? No, sah, I doan' want no sich doin's." "Blame it, can't you TRY? I only WANT you to try you needn't keep it up if it don't work." "But de trouble all DONE ef de snake bite me while I's a tryin' him.