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The train by which Miss Betty O'Shea expected her nephew was late in its arrival at Moate, and Peter Gill, who had been sent with the car to fetch him over, was busily discussing his second supper when the passengers arrived. 'Are you Mr. Gorman O'Shea, sir? asked Peter of a well-dressed and well-looking young man, who had just taken his luggage from the train.

Leslie; and for a girl who has no one else in her head to talk of detesting a well-looking, well-dressed, clever young man, is a nonsense 'Chi lascia il poco per haver l'assai ne l'uno, ne l'altro avera mai' which may be thus paraphrased, The young lady who refuses a mortal in the hope of obtaining an angel, loses the one, and will never fall in with the other.

"Oh! it's not much of a wound," explained the old man with unconscious irrelevance. "He himself calls it a mere scratch. But my old woman took a fancy to him: he is young and well-looking, you understand. .

And until I have again drummed it into my rebellious head that she is not for me, that my business with her is to see that she gets a rich, well-born, and well-looking young husband, not more than two-thirds of my age, I enjoy myself hugely in her nearness. But, why not, after all? Just for the length of this tour in the motor-car, which throws us so constantly together?

He was well-looking, clever, energetic, enthusiastic; bold; in the best sense of the term, a thorough young Anglo-Saxon. I resolved to bring these two together. SAID I, one night, when I had conquered myself, 'Mr. Granville, Mr. Granville Wharton his name was, 'I doubt if you have ever yet so much as seen Miss Fareway.

Madam Simon, who was a fat and red-faced lady, was forever praising him, and the young miss, who was extremely well-looking, was as continually making eyes at him. She and Master Harry, I must tell you, would spend hours together, she making pretense of teaching him French, although he was so possessed with a passion of love that he was nigh suffocated with it.

"Hast proved it, good dame?" asked the Queen archly, for the pair were still young and well-looking enough to be jested with. "Ay! have we not, madam?" said the dame.

'But that I am a little pressed with the care of the homestead I would take palanquin ... but that would be shameless, and my reputation would be cracked. Ho! Ho! I know the road every march of the road I know. Ye will find charity throughout it is not denied to the well-looking. I will give orders for provision. A servant to set you forth upon your journey?

"Truly, my daughter, these good folks are not in birth our equal, and would be the first to say so; nevertheless they are worthy and honest people, and I can remember that Bridget, my mother's maid, who astonished us and deeply offended her relations by a sudden and ill-judged marriage with Nicholas Trevlyn, was a wonderfully well-looking woman.

"I am sorry I have troubled you," he said, calmly, "but I have a plan which I think would get your son out of this affair, and, as a business man, I wanted to make something out of it." The captain eyed him scornfully, but he was glad to see this well-looking, successful son of his old enemy tainted with such sordid views. Instead of turning him out he spoke to him almost fairly.