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There's them there as'll think it good enough, and in five minutes the water'll be as clear as ever." "But I don't see a single fish." "More do I, sir, but they're all about somewhere. Ah, look yonder; there's one of them black and yaller snakes. He's a big thick one too. See him?" said the man, pointing.

He's a highbrow of an elegant natur'. He calls this thing 'co-ordination, which is another way of sayin' he's beat nigh a hundred thousand dollars out of our bank roll to hand us more power than we could use if we took in Broadway, New York, at night. But it's elegant plannin' and looks good to me. Your folks over the water'll maybe see things in it, too.

Weak as a baby! Water'll make me feel better." The effort of rising had made him dizzy, and his legs were like soft rubber beneath him. His knees seemed to bend in all directions under his weight. "Better crawl," he muttered; then he sank to his hands and knees. He found himself laughing as he made his way to the water, and it struck him suddenly that he was delirious.

I believe she'd be glad to go with you, for she don't like our board and lodging over much." "Do you think she'd go tonight?" "Oh, yes! Guess so. A little cold water'll be a good change for her." Mrs. Wiggins was seen, and feeling that any change would be for the better, readily agreed to go for very moderate wages.

"We'll have to bustle up and get across, or the water'll be over the wire, and then we'll be done for." Bustle as we would, however "getting across" was a tedious business.

I couldn't see what good water was goin' to do, but Bill wouldn't give up. "I can't find where the skull is broke," he sez, "an' maybe the water'll fetch him around." He poured some water over the little feller's face, but it didn't seem to be no use.

"This wouldn't 'a' happened if they'd give me a square deal." He was wrenching with all his might at a section of the scaffold platform. "I wanted to be decent, and they treated me like a dog." With this, he ran down the river bank and launched his frail raft. "Anyhow," he said, "I'll git out o' this jus' as fast as water'll take me!"

It was half way up to his knees when he knocked. As he looked back Miss Sperrit's lantern seemed to float in mid-ocean. 'You can't come in or the water'll come with you. I've bunged up all the cracks, Mr. Sidney shouted from within. 'Who be ye? 'Take me out! Take me out! the woman shrieked, and the pig from his sty behind the house urgently seconded the motion. 'I'm Midmore!

"Will you have some more?" asked the sympathetic middy. "No more, sir, thankee. I'm loaded fairly down to the water-line. Another grain would bust up the hatches; but if I might ventur' to putt forth a wish now, a glass o' no? well, no matter, a drop o' water'll do. I'm well used to it now, havin' drunk enough to float a seventy-four since I come to this city o' pirates."

When your timber is growed right you kin all go to sleep and not a drop o' water'll git in. Your sister Lucy ain't growed right. Maybe she kin help it and maybe she can't, but she'll leak every time there comes a twist. See if she don't." But Jane never lost faith nor wavered in her trust.