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Slavovitch had to tell 'm he'd sold the eggs, but that the buyer was secret. "Slavovitch says to let him say the word to Wild Water who's got the eggs. 'Shorty, he says to me, 'Wild Water'll come a-runnin'. You can hold him up for eight dollars. 'Eight dollars, your grandmother, I says.

"Lookee," he pointed into the exasperatingly dense water, "see her there like a shadow her bow is shoved up four five feet above her stern. Got her?" Bruce nodded, then they looked at each other joyfully, and Bruce remembered afterward that they had giggled hysterically like two boys. "The water'll drop a foot yet," Bruce said excitedly. "Can you dive?"

Wooden Shoes'll have t' get another outfit together, and get another bunch on the trail. One good thing I got thirty days t' get off what cattle is on there; and thirty days uh grass and water'll put 'em in good shape for the trip. Wish this bunch was as well fixed." "That's what," Rowdy assented. "But I think they'll make it, all right."

In a moment Nancy doubled up the sleeve and thrust it into the hole in the bottom of the boat. She forced it in tightly, and as it became wet and more plastic, she rammed it home hard. "But that won't last long," objected Jennie. "The water'll force it out again. And what will we do with the water that is already in here?"