United States or Malta ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

It was only when the lieutenant had expressed himself in those terms and when it was hoped that the painful subject had been dismissed that Clara had startled every one present by announcing that she had something still to say in relation to Frank and Wardour, which had not been said yet.

A warm embrace, and a hearty shake of the hand, were necessary to assure him that his eyes were doing him justice. Sir Arthur was no less surprised to recognise his son, Captain Wardour, in Lovel's, or rather Major Neville's company.

Officers of the Wanderer and the Sea-mew, do you agree to that way of meeting the difficulty?" All the officers agreed, with the one exception of Wardour, who still kept silence. "Men of the Wanderer and Sea-mew, your officers agree to cast lots. Do you agree too?" The men agreed without a dissentient voice. Crayford handed the box and the dice to Captain Helding. "You throw first, sir.

Wardour now, Mary, that was spreading his tail for you to see, you would not complain of that peacock!" A vivid rose blossomed instantly in Mary's cheek. Mr. Wardour was not even an acquaintance of hers. He was cousin and friend to Letty Lovel, indeed, but she had never spoken to him, except in the shop.

His tone had hurt her his tone had roused her sinking courage. "It means, Mr. Wardour, that you have been mistaken from the first." "How have I been mistaken?" "You have been under a wrong impression, and you have given me no opportunity of setting you right." "In what way have I been wrong?" "You have been too hasty and too confident about yourself and about me.

Such and so licentious were the times, as announced by the public declaration of the assembled clergy, recorded by Eadmer; and we need add nothing more to vindicate the probability of the scenes which we have detailed, and are about to detail, upon the more apocryphal authority of the Wardour MS. I'll woo her as the lion woos his bride. Douglas

But he thought he observed in the conduct of Captain M'Intyre something of marked and peculiar tenderness, which was calculated to alarm the jealousy of a lover. Miss Wardour also received his attentions; and although his candour allowed they were of a kind which could not be repelled without some strain of affectation, yet it galled him to the heart to witness that she did so.

In the meantime, Oldbuck, taking his nephew by the arm, led him into the house, and they were ushered into the presence of Sir Arthur Wardour, who, in a flutter between wounded pride, agonized apprehension, and vain attempts to disguise both under a show of indifference, exhibited a spectacle of painful interest. "Happy to see you, Mr.

They had informed each other of what games were their favourites; Kate had told him the Wardour names and ages; and required from him in return those of his brothers and sisters. She had been greatly delighted by learning that Adelaide was no end of a hand at climbing trees; and that whenever she should come and stay at their house, Ernest would teach her to ride.

"Never mind, my dear sir," said Miss Wardour; "you have your faithful attendant ready to repair such a disaster when it happens, and when you appear with it as restored to its original splendour, I will carry on the quotation: So sinks the day-star in the ocean bed, And yet anon repairs his drooping head, And tricks his beams, and with new-spangled ore Flames on the forehead" *