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On ne dit point s'il y a des exacerbations dans cette fievre ou non, si le malade a appetit ou non, s'il tousse ou non, s'il crache ou non, en un mot on n'entre dans aucun detail sur ces objets, sur quoi le conseil soussigne estime que monsieur le consultant est en fievre lente, et que vraisemblable le poumon souffre de quelque tubercules qui peut-etre sont en fonte, ce que nous aurions determine si dans la relation on avoit marque les qualites de crachats.

But now I am going to descend to figures, and can assure my incredulous English readers, that what I relate is strictly true vraie, although not vraisemblable. We hired a stout girl to weed and wash, without food, at 2-1/2 d. a day; and another for L.5 per annum undertook to be our sole servant to clean, and cook, and dress madame, only stipulating that she was to have soupe

This rule has, it is whispered, caused a great increase in the trade of dealers in imitation jewelry, those who cannot afford the real article taking refuge in the highly vraisemblable splendors of wax-lined pearls and paste diamonds. It is rumored that after one of the great official balls of last season a superb diamond necklace was found behind one of the cushions of a sofa at the Élysée.

He listened silently to what she had to say, and then, with a quiet smile, answered in the words of Boileau, "Le vrai peut quelquefois n'etre point vraisemblable." He showed her that there were the most grave and marked suspicions against Olivier. That La Regnie's action was by no means severe or premature, but wholly regular; indeed, that to do otherwise would be to neglect his duty as a Judge.

"Le vrai n'est pas toujours le vraisemblable," answered Captain M ; "and I am afraid that too often a great illiberality is shown towards travellers, who, after having encountered great difficulties and dangers, have the mortification not to be credited upon their return.

It is vraisemblable enough that the little strip of very low coast between Hayling Island and the Arun may have been the first original South Saxon colony. Nor is it by any means impossible that the names of Keynor and Chichester Cymenes-ora and Cissanceaster may still enshrine the memory of two among the old South Saxon freebooters.

"It costs me," he told her, "six francs fifty a day wine included." "What!" cried she, mistrusting her ears. "Yes," said he. "Fudge!" said she, not to be caught with chaff. "It sounds like a traveller's tale, I know; but that's so often the bother with the truth," said he. "Truth is under no obligation to be vraisemblable. I'm here en pension." Lady Blanchemain sniffed.

But, as Boileau shrewdly remarks, "Le vrai peut quelquefois n'etre pas vraisemblable." "The enemies of books," says our author, "are the enemies of, knowledge, and consequently of mankind. The shackles with which the press is loaded, are an incitement for setting them at defiance. If we were to enjoy a decent liberty, we should no longer have recourse to licentiousness.

Ethel's lips moved into a strange half smile, and she took Mab on her lap, and fondled her. 'Yes, she said, 'I believe I stand for a good deal in his imagination. I was afraid he would have been wrecked upon that horrid place; but, after all, this may be the saving of him. 'Ah! if that story of his would only be more vraisemblable.

"Le vrai n'est pas toujours vraisemblable," says an acute observer of human affairs. The romance of real life certainly goes beyond all other romances; and there are facts which few writers would dare to put into a book, as there are skies which few painters would venture to put into a picture.