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The youth Aucassin, who rides into the fight dreaming of his beloved, who sees her shining among the stars in heaven Estoilette, je te voi, Que la lune trait

As his rough "Larum gardum quantitere runze punze ke hi voi la" now reached the little ones, the impression was far deeper than he had intended, for the cellar man's youngest son, a little fellow six years old, first shrieked aloud, and, when the terrible old man's long arms barred his way, he began to cry piteously.

F. TIM.: Se voi non fate orazione, si. Priestly arrogance and unctuousness, and trickeries and casuistries, cannot be painted without our discovering a likeness in the long Italian gallery. Goldoni sketched the Venetian manners of the decadence of the Republic with a French pencil, and was an Italian Scribe in style.

If I thanked him for anything, he took off his cap, bowed with comical dignity, and answered "Grazie a voi, Signore." Of course these people never used the third person feminine of polite Italian. Dr. Sculco did so, for I had begun by addressing him in that manner, but plainly it was not familiar to his lips.

Felice chi vi mira, Ma piu felice chi per voi sospira! And it is not only a charm of elastic sound or of grace; that would be but a property of the turn of speech. It is rather the profounder advantage whereby the rhymes are freighted with such feeling as the very language keeps in store.

"Lasciate ogni speranza, voi chi'ntrate!" Nor was the illusion quite destroyed by handling, for through the arch and a short passage one entered a large, domed apartment, brick-floored and dimly lighted, whose atmosphere was the breath of a dozen flashing furnaces, whose occupants were grimy gnomes wildly sporting with strange shapes of molten metal.

After he had seen that I had "brains enough" to sing these songs according to his august liking, he said, "Now we will try 'Voi che sapete, of Mozart." Garcia has not the ghost of a voice; but he has the most enchanting way of singing mezzo-voce, and occasionally says, "Sing this so," and sings the phrase for me. He once said, "You may imitate my way of singing, but don't imitate my crack."

In his perplexity, he sought the advice of the celebrated Metastasio, who had been for some time established at Vienna as the favorite poet of the court, and the Italian, with the ready wit of his country, at once supplied him with a quatrain, which, in her disappointment itself, could mid ground for compliment: "Io perdei; l' augusta figlia A pagar m' ha condannato; Ma s'è ver che a voi somiglia, Tutto il mondo ha guadagnato."

After this came a climax of devout triumph passing from the subdued adoration of a happy Andante in the words "Beatissimi voi. Che offriste il petto alle nemiche lance Per amor di costei che al sol vi diede" to the joyous outburst of an exultant Allegro in "Oh viva, oh viva: Beatissimi voi Mentre nel monde si favelli o scriva." When she had ended, Klesmer said after a moment

They expected the punishment; took it gracefully. Some even thanked us when it was over! The babu disappeared in his station. About an hour later he approached us, very deprecating, and handed us a telegram. It was from the district commissioner at Voi ordering us to report for flogging "porters on the Tsavo Station platform."