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"Saepissime examinavi fermnentum cerevisiae, semperque hoc ex globulis per materiam pellucidam fluitantibus, quarm cerevisiam esse censui, constare observavi: vidi etiam evidentissime, unumquemque hujus fermenti globulum denuo ex sex distinctis globulis constare, accurate eidem quantitate et formae, cui globulis sanguinis nostri, respondentibus.

Donna, quel giorno ch' io ti vidi in prima, Dimmi, hai Tu scôrto sul mio volto i segni Dell' anima commossa? Hai Tu veduto Come trepida innanzi io ti venia, E come reverenza e maraviglia Tenean sospesa sull' indocil labbro La parola mal certa?

Till the moment of his triumph had come, and that "Veni, vidi, vici" had been flaunted in the eyes of Rome till Cæsar, though he had been ashamed to call himself a king, had consented to be associated with the gods Brutus, Cassius, and those others, sixty in number we are told, who became the conspirators, had hardly realized the fact that the Republic was altogether at an end.

Aquilina declared that she knew nothing whatever about it. At six that evening Dukovski returned. He was more agitated than he had ever been before. His hands trembled so that he could not even unbutton his greatcoat. His cheeks glowed. It was clear that he did not come empty handed. "Veni, vidi, vici!" he cried, rushing into Chubikoff's room, and falling into an armchair.

Bolingbroke, roused by his friend's representations, and perhaps by a sense of approaching danger, resolved to assume the guidance of his wife, or at least of himself. In opposition to his sovereign lady's will, he actually spent this evening as he pleased. "E sol quei giorni io mi vidi contenta, Ch'averla compiaciuto mi trovai."

In front of the victor in the last of this series of paintings is borne a device bearing his famous words "Veni, Vidi, Vici" and it is worthy of recollection that one tradition places the scene of Julius Cæsar's final victory over the Britons at Kingston, not far from where this splendid delineation of his triumphal pageant on his return to Rome has hung for close upon three centuries.

I have also received an invite, and intend staying here a day or two. I can't say that, judging from the master of the house, I think that a prolonged sojourn would be very agreeable. I have, as yet, seen none of the ladies, except my embryo Lady Ballindine. I think I have done my business a little in the veni vidi vici style.

Some jurisconsults skilled in the ancient law say that boys are sometimes fascinated by the burning eyes of these infected men so as to lose all their health and strength. Hist. "Atque satas alio vidi traducere messes."

It was then he wrote to the Senate that brief, but vaunting letter: “Veni, vidi, vici.” He already meditated those conquests in the East which had inflamed the ambition of his rival. He caught the spirit of Oriental despotism. He was not proof against the flatteries of the Asiatics.

Supposing, therefore, as we do suppose, that Mr. Bromley's school in London was the scene of his disgrace, it would appear on this argument that his parents were then living in Windsor Forest. And this hypothesis falls in with another anecdote in Pope's life, which we know partly upon his own authority. He tells Wycherley that he had seen Dryden, and barely seen him. Virgilium vidi tantum.