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And in that temple be four entries, and the gates be of cypress, well made and curiously dight: and within the east gate our Lord said, 'Here is Jerusalem. And in the north side of that temple, within the gate, there is a well, but it runneth nought, of the which holy writ speaketh of and saith, VIDI AQUAM EGREDIENTEM DE TEMPLO; that is to say, 'I saw water come out of the temple.

But the bailiffs were picked men, broad-shouldered and athletic, and furnished with active-looking shillelaghs. Veni, vidi, victus sum! a glance showed him all was lost. 'My blessin' an you, Peg Finigan! and was it you let them in? murmured his reverence, with intense feeling. 'At whose suit? enquired the generous outlaw, sitting up among the blankets. 'Mrs.

Margari used only to laugh when his wife began nagging at him. "Alios jam vidi ego ventos, aliasque procellas," he would say. He was only too glad to have a home of his own at all. "Don't worry, woman!" he would say with reference to the furniture, "when that's worn out, I'll buy some more. John Lapussa, Esq., will give me whatever I want."

If you like hunting, you will find plenty to amuse you; I have a license from the Eaux et Forets; and we hunt over twelve thousand acres of forest, not counting our own domain." Oscar, the painter, and Mistigris, all more or less subdued, exchanged glances, but Mistigris, faithful to himself, remarked in a low tone, "'Veni, vidi, cecidi, I came, I saw, I slaughtered."

Robinson's telegram, ironically comparing it with Cæsar's classic message to the Roman Senate: "Veni, Vidi, Vici." It was such struggles for local business as this that led the San Francisco Alta California, a paper bitterly opposed to the Central Pacific, to denounce the railway, in 1866, as the "Dutch Flat Swindle."

Legh to Cromwell, Sept. 24th: Strype's Ecclesiastical Memorials, Vol. Cotton. MS. Cleopatra, E 4, fol. 225. 28 Hen. VIII. cap. 13. Ibid. That is, the exhibitioners sent up to the university from the monasteries. Strype, Memorials, Vol. I. p. 323. Leyton to Cromwell: Suppression of the Monasteries, p. 71, et seq. Id quod meis oculis vidi, Leyton writes: Ibid.

We are familiar with the principle of concord in Latin and Greek. Many of us have been struck by such relentless rhymes as vidi ilium bonum dominum "I saw that good master" or quarum dearum saevarum "of which stern goddesses."