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Margari, in consideration of a yearly salary of 300 florins to be punctually sent to him at the beginning of every quarter, undertook in his capacity of secretary to Baron Hátszegi, to keep his Honour Demetrius Lapussa informed of all that he saw and heard at the residence of that gentleman, Henrietta's future husband, and this obligation of maintaining Margari was to be transferred on the death of Mr.

Not long afterwards he came back again and said the usurer would give nothing on the strength of my signature, because I was a minor, but that if my sister's name stood upon the bill he would advance upon that because she was a married woman. Margari persuaded me to sign the bill in her name. What was forty florins to Henrietta? he said, a mere trifle.

John, familiarly inviting the magistrate to sit down on a couch. "I have come in the matter of this Margari," said Monori, holding himself very stiffly and fixing his eyes sharply on Mr. John. "Since our conversation of this morning, the circumstance has come to my knowledge that one of my colleagues in the county of Arad has succeeded in finding the long-lost Coloman Lapussa." At these words Mr.

And now Szilard understood the meaning of the passage "there are obligations in respect to the discharge whereof I am not my sister's brother." This vagabond comedian had an equally vagabond childish ideal, and when he had to make his choice, he flung his arm around her and fled away with her into the wide, wide world. Mr. Margari had got on in the world.

John began to smooth out the ends of his mustache and chew them attentively. "The young man confesses to having forged the bill, but asserts that it was Margari who led him to do so, and that the bill signed by him was originally for forty florins only, so that undoubtedly somebody else must have turned it into 40,000." Mr.

I am neither a murderer nor yet a robber. Mr. John Lapussa can answer for me. I am his confidential agent!" and he clung convulsively to the coat tail of his principal. Mr. John plainly perceived that never in his life before had he been in such an awkward situation. They could accuse him now of having instigated Margari to make a bolt of it.

I don't care what it is, so long as I get a life-long sinecure suppose we say his bailiff, or his librarian, or his secretary? A single word from your honour would do it." An idea suddenly occurred to Mr. Demetrius. "Very good, Margari, very good. So it shall be. I give you my word upon it you shall be Hátszegi's secretary." "But it must be life-long.

Why some of my own bills are in his keeping " and with that he proceeded to say as many pretty things of Margari as if he were a horse dealer trying to palm off a blind nag on some ignorant bumpkin at a fair.

Finally he dashed out and, for the lowest silver coin he could make up his mind to part with, hired a hackney coach to take him to his villa near the park, for thither he had resolved to fly. On arriving there he recovered himself somewhat. So Coloman had been discovered and had confessed about his own doings and Margari's. Well he must simply disavow Margari, that's all.

When the carriage stopped at the picturesque vineyards of Promontor, Mr. John almost had a stroke when, on looking through the glass window, the first feature of the panorama that presented itself was the figure of Margari, hastening to open the door with obsequious familiarity. "How on earth did you get here?"