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Longorio uttered a peculiar, wordless cry of dismay; his mouth fell open; his arms dropped; he went limp all over, paralyzed momentarily by surprise and horror; his eyes protruded; he swayed as if his sight had blurred. "I said I'd never marry you," she rushed on, vibrantly. "This is the man I love the only man. Yes, and I've learned the truth about you. I know who killed Mr. Austin."

Manti, rudely awakened, was pouring its population through its doors in streams. Shouts, hoarse, inquisitive, drifted to Trevison's ears. Lights blazed up, flickering from windows like giant fireflies. Doors slammed, dogs were barking, men were running. Trevison laughed vibrantly as he ran.

Physical soundness with weak intellect is often the athletic field of superstitions innumerable. Intellectual greed in an unsound body may breed the direst fears of life. A decayed soul is always a House of Fear. The ideal of human existence is The white life in the sound mind in the vibrantly whole body.

Was it the spirit of her adventurous ancestors that made her feel a kinship with the wild, an indifference to its privations, a joy in its rude liberty? She was thinner, but stronger and more vigorous than when the train had started. She talked less and yet her whole being seemed more vibrantly alive, her glance to have gained the gleaming quietness of those whose eyes scan vague horizons.

It was held to be a view honoring to women. As a matter of fact it led to a great deal of cruelty. No doubt women differ greatly, but in every woman who truly loves there lies dormant the capacity to become vibrantly alive in response to her lover, and to meet him as a willing and active participant in the sacrament of marriage.

He brought his fist down sharply on the broad arm of his chair. "I tell you," he went on tensely, "Marianne is a woman of no morals and no religion a woman who allows no one to dictate to her save a gendarme with a warrant of arrest. Hardly a winter passes but she goes to jail. She is a confirmed thief, a bad subject," he went on vibrantly.

Look at that now!" replied Peg it seemed to Mr. Hawkes, somewhat flippantly. "Well! What do you say?" he asked vibrantly. "What do I say, to WHAT?" "Will you consent to an engagement?" "With YOU?" "Yes, Miss O'Connell, with me." Peg suddenly burst into a paroxysm of laughter. Hawkes' face clouded and hardened. The gloomier he looked, the more hearty were Peg's ebullitions of merriment.

During the War one felt it a duty to know the worst before breakfast; now that the English polity is threatened merely from within, one is apt to dally.... Merely from within? Is that a right phrase when the nerves of unrestful Labour in any one land are interplicated with its nerves in any other, so vibrantly?

He sat up, aware that the fingers were ready to grip his throat again, for he could feel the big shape lingering beside him. "This is an outrage!" he gasped, shuddering. "I know you you are Trevison. I shall have you punished for this." The other laughed lowly and vibrantly. "That's your affair if you dare! You say a word about this visit and I'll feed your scoundrelly old carcass to the coyotes!

or Yeats' lines Of Those Who Have Spoken Evil of His Beloved, wherein he takes pride in the reflection: Weigh this song with the great and their pride; I made it out of a mouthful of air; Their children's children shall say they have lied. But a more vibrantly personal note breaks out from time to time in the most original verse of the last century, as in Wordsworth's testimony,