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'Forgive? nonsense only don't begin crying about nothing again. There's nothing more intolerable than for a woman to be always crying, whenever one speaks to her. ''Twas not so much that, said Violet, meekly, 'as that I was vexed at the dinner not looking well, and it won't, without spending such quantities of money! 'Quantities what do you call quantities?

On more than one occasion when, vexed by some act of the king's, more than usually wanton and unjust, I instinctively gave expression to my feelings by word or look in the presence of certain officers and courtiers, I observed that they rapped, or tapped, in a peculiar and stealthy manner.

Madame Bavoil interrupted his wanderings by rising from her knees. Recalled to himself, he hastily finished his prayer "but deliver us from all perils, glorious and blessed Virgin; Amen." And he parted from the housekeeper on the steps of the church, going home much vexed by his dissipation of mind.

She wanted to see every one uncompromising, as girls of fifteen generally do; she had an intense disgust and loathing of underhand ways, could not bear to think of Tom's carrying them on, and going to a place of temptation with them uncorrected; and she looked up to her father with the reverence and enthusiasm of one like minded. She was vexed on another score.

They hurt Felipe. Too well he knew what it meant. He also was anxious. The Senora saw it in his face, and it vexed her. The girl might well pine, and be mortified if her lover did not appear. But why should Felipe disquiet himself? The Senora disliked it. It was a bad symptom. There might be trouble ahead yet. There was, indeed, trouble ahead, of a sort the Senora's imaginings had not pictured.

"Finally, vexed beyond measure, dissatisfied with himself and others, he so brutally maltreated a high dignitary in a moment of violent anger that the latter sent for him that he might punish him. Learning of this, the man, crazy with rage, rushed out of his house in order to kill the prince with his own hand. "It was in this paroxysm of passion that my master met him.

"I want you not to be vexed, Nick," she said, in a low voice. He made an abrupt movement. "My dear girl, don't be silly. What's the trouble? Let me hear it and have done." His tone was reassuring. She looked up at him with more confidence. "Yes, I am silly," she acknowledged. "I'm perfectly idiotic to fancy for a moment that it can make any difference to you.

He lacked the sharp spurring to do better and better, the censure of a master, who was greatly his superior. Praise for things, which did not satisfy himself, vexed him and roused his distrust. Isabella, and after his return Sophonisba, were his confidantes. The former had long felt what he now expressed.

The speech which this day was to utter in the years was the old vexed cry, "How long, O Lord? how long?" A fight, short, but desperate. Where-ever it was hottest, the men crowded after one leader, a small man, with a mild, quiet face, Douglas Palmer. Fighting with a purpose: high, the highest, he thought: to uphold his Government. His blows fell heavy and sure. You know the end of the story.

There was at that time another giant, named Cucullin some say he was Irish, and some say he was Scotch but whether Scotch or Irish, sorrow doubt of it but he was a targer. No other giant of the day could stand before him; and such was his strength, that, when well vexed, he could give a stamp that shook the country about him.