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I waited for a little while. I sighed and leant back in my chair. "It is perfectly simple," I smiled, "now that we have cool heads." "But IS it simple?" asked Nettie, and slashed my discourse out of being. I looked up and found her with her eyes on Verrall. "You see," she said, "I like Willie. It's hard to say what one feels but I don't want him to go away like that."

I rolled over on my face and beheld the chauffeur, young Verrall, and Lord Redcar the latter holding up his long skirts of fur, and making a grotesque figure one behind the other, in full bolt across a coldly comet-lit interval, towards the open gates of the colliery. I raised myself up on my hands. Young Verrall! I had not even drawn my revolver I had forgotten it.

Yet, it will be observed, the message was, in its inception, wholly "veridical" the fault lying in the erroneous symbolic interpretation of the medium. There is evidence to show that other forms of symbolism are adopted also applying to the auditory as well as to the visual presentation of the messages. Names afford some of the best evidence for this; e.g. in the sitting of Mrs. Verrall with Mrs.

Do you know, I did not want to shoot her then. Indeed I did not want to shoot her then! Bang! and I had fired again, still striding on, and each time it seemed I had missed. She moved a step or so toward me, still staring, and then someone intervened, and near beside her I saw young Verrall.

Precautions were taken to prevent intrusion and powdered chalk was spread on the floor of the two smaller rooms, "to trace anybody or anything that might come or go." Mrs. Verrall knew nothing of the matter. The phenomena began at 12:43 A.M. and ended at 2:09 A.M. The watchers noticed marks on the powdered chalk.

I cried, "and there was our poor little top-hamper of intelligence on all these waves of instinct and wordless desire, these foaming things of touch and sight and feeling, like like a coop of hens washed overboard and clucking amidst the seas." Verrall laughed approval of the image I had struck out.

I was going to kill Nettie Nettie who had smiled and promised and given herself to another, and who stood now for all the conceivable delightfulnesses, the lost imaginations of the youthful heart, the unattainable joys in life; and Verrall who stood for all who profited by the incurable injustice of our social order. I would kill them both.

He turned to me, and the flush of controversy had passed and his face shone like the sun. It was not every day, I perceived, that Mrs. Verrall came to see him. "I get so many interruptions," he said, almost grinning. "You must excuse me a minute! Then then I'll tell you about that fellow. But don't go. I pray you don't go. I can assure you. . . . MOST interesting."

I accept provisionally the derivation of these θεσμοί from θεσ- in θέσσασθαι, θέσφατος, θέσκελος, πολύθεστος, ἀπόθεστος, &c.: cf. A. W. Verrall in J. H. S. xx, p. 114; and Prolegomena, pp. 48 ff., 136 f. But, whatever the derivation, the Thesmoi were the objects carried. See also A. Lang, Homeric Hymns, 1899, p. 63.

What I had to understand in you was something deeper than Edward brought me. I have it now. . . . You are a part of my life, and I don't want to cut all that off from me now I have comprehended it, and throw it away." "But you love Verrall." "Love is such a queer thing! . . . Is there one love? I mean, only one love?" She turned to Verrall. "I know I love you. I can speak out about that now.